Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Which Spirit resides in you?

Testimony Time:- A very good morning to all esteemed Children of Grace. Welcome to another opportunity to serve in His Presence.
I was encouraged by the Spirit to obliterate all tendency to lament on the events of the past few months, but to ignore and then see what the Lord is capable of doing.
Let us celebrate Children of God, what the Lord has in store for everyone is that we should have peace, peace in all ramifications.
How do you intend to serve in His Presence today? Seeking all that is peaceful according to the Will of God or using your finger to draw wrath on the peaceful pattern of His Grace?
Ironically, we have enough distractions to reduce the will in us, but the Spirit of God in us can ignite the self denial in us so that we can be linked to His Peaceful Presence at all times.
Do you have the Spirit of God in you? At what level do you operate with His Spirit? How often do you contaminate God's Peaceful Presence in your live?
Without any doubt, we know what our failings are, therefore if our desires is to lead a peaceful life, we know what we need to work on.
Please be assured that Christ waits for your invitation, He can only work with you if you are willing and obedient to His Wills (Revelation 3:20)
May the Lord shines His Face upon us and give us peace. We shall be strengthened to seek peace, work for peace and harvest peace in all of our endeavours in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence…

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