Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Still prisoners of hope, after the death of Christ?

Testimony Time:-Good morning Children of Grace and welcome to the last leg of the Lent Season.
We must know that the battle against Satan is a recurring one, we can only put his antics to rest by our individual efforts to stay within the dictates of the Holy One. And until such is achieved, the Bible describes Us as "Prisoners of Hope". Zechariah 9:12
Now that you know you can hope in the Lord for as long as you want it to be, the only way to achieve His Liberty in your expectations is to hide in His Fortress where Satan has no dominion.
God has a fortress and it is for those who are called and work righteously to maintain the "Status Quo". Without your desire to stay within His guideline, the tendency is to stray away and get imprisoned, even within the amount of hope we carry in all expectations.
You have been spared to enjoy another breakthrough today at the expense of Satan and his cohorts; only through the Supremacy of God. This is an achievement but for how long will you make your hope imprisoned just because you can't stay within this Fortress of the Lord?
May the Lord keep us and also give us the Grace to maintain our desire to stay within His Fortress always. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...

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