Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Many see things with the "Eyes of God"

Testimony Time:-Good morning Children of God and welcome to another Sunday in His Kingdom.
I have no hesitation to show our level of assiduity in the Christian in us. The amount of time we use in practicing the Christian Faith should have turned us into saints in view of the fact that 20 years out of our time turns many of us into a Doctor in most of our field.
Just wondering why we claim to know so much in Christianity when our attributes attract disparaging comments/status.
Still wondering why many see things with the "Eyes of God" even with the little privilege they enjoy. If we claim to be nearer to God and have power as a prophet/prophetess, or indeed a shepherd and or a pastor, that little knowledge should have brought sanity to wherever we belong and not confusion.
When we learn a trade, there is a degree of perfection however little it may be, the eagerness to know and learn more is always apparent; how much more when we claim to have the "Mind of God" in our level of interactions with each other.
Every opportunity is a privilege, even the right to live and must be seen as such. Ecclesiastes 3 describes this episode in details and we must not be far from its slogan.
Lord, within the little time You have given us, give us the privilege to use our time according to Your precept. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...

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