Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Wednesday 8 April 2015

When the Spirit convicts us.

Testimony Time:-Good morning Friends in the Tabernacle of His Grace and let me congratulate each and everyone for the Grace of another Gift wrapped in the presence of today. Quite simply, the Lord just decided to roll this Grace into our laps today.

However, I want us to consider this gift as another Grace from God through which we can still repair any damage between us and His Grace, provided we have been faltering in our footsteps.

After the sacrifice of His only Begotten Son for the redemption of our souls, God is still prepared to take another risk with us by sparing our lives today, hoping we would forsake Satan and come back to Him. What risk(s) are you taking to dispense with this Special Grace?

Definitely Christ will not be crucified again for our sake because we have been left at the mercies of the Spirit to convict those who are not in Christ. (Romans 8:1)

When we are convicted by the laws of the land, we surfer some repercussions. How much more when we allow the Spirit to condemn us, we must know that the repercussions is always eternal.

Today is another expression of another Risk from God by keeping us alive, are you ready to allow the opportunity to slip by by not taking this day seriously in His worship?

Oh Lord our God, thank You for bearing our guilt. Thank You also for the Risk You bear by keeping Us alive. Father, give us the gift to welcome each risk as a Gift and use the opportunity to know and worship You the more in Jesus name. Amen

Just checking in into His Presence...

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