Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Saturday 18 April 2015

Grace abounds until you drop the final blood...

Testimony Time:-Good morning Children of Grace and welcome to another opportunity to live in the Presence of God. Indeed, if God were to take account of records of sins including the level of our ingratitude to His Words, Works and His name, not everyone will receive the gift to live today (Psalm 130:3) God shows His understanding through us today by giving us the opportunity to make amend of all fruitlessness upon our endeavors. He has been able to achieve this purpose by keeping the power to forgive, thinking by so doing we can trust in His Supremacy through the power of forgiveness and then begin to fear and walk within His Precepts (Psalm 130:4) As a result, for each dawn that you are kept alive, you can always claim forgiveness from all sins through the Perfect Will of God. That you have even been given a new life through the arrival of a new dawn means you can begin afresh a new relationship with God where sins play no part. Remember, you were once purified by the Blood of Jesus. Without the shedding of His Blood, there is absolutely no forgiveness (Hebrews 9:22) In like manner, an awareness must be drawn to the fact that you can only seek forgiveness when blood flows through your veins, and once the opportunity ceases to exist, then redemptive power to function at His inheritance level would have been lost forever. When that occurs, the authority to live will be permanently extinguished because of the subject of death and then the reality of judgement will take its perpetual course. We must also adhere to the fact that there will be no more forgiveness where we have all shed our blood owing to death. What we shall be faced with will be how we have led our lives. Was it filled with indignation towards the fear of God? Or walking according to His Statutes or otherwise? The answer will definitely makes the difference upon where we all spend eternity. But the irony is, we will spend more time in eternity than the time we have now and gets carried away with. To all, it is necessary to fear the Lord, walk in His ways and love your neighbors. There are reasons for every law enacted by God, otherwise Christ would have died for nothing. Therefore, we must all begin to spend each day fearfully in His Presence, who knows? It could be the last effort before Him to make any amends. This is because when it is time, it is time! And at that point, no prayer or prophecy can sustain anyone! May the death of Christ be counted as gain unto us so that we can reign with Him in heaven in Jesus name. Amen Just checking in into His Presence...

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