Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Set on prepared pattern of Grace or be prepared to fail.

Testimony Time:-It is another day through His Grace, therefore I say a very good morning to everyone in the House.
For some reason, our usual greetings each day stems from good morning, good day, good afternoon, good evening or indeed good night. And it does not matter what our situations are, there is still something to be grateful about in His Presence; only we take our affairs so seriously that we often fail to tap into His Goodness and Mercies.
The Lord's covenant is that His Goodness and Mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives. But can we read His Goodness in every situation, whether as a result of trials, test, tribulations or indeed testimony?
If on the contrary, we choose to run after the mundane things of the world, they will culminate in a number of "rise and falls", in the already "packaged for good journey" by our Dear Lord. This means we will often find it hard to see anything good about the morning, the afternoon and or the evening.
Proverbs 6 and Galatians 5 describes in details those things that brings confusion on the prepared pattern of God upon us, these as a result causes separation between us and His Goodness.
If there is nothing good about your day, you really need to start with yourself. Don't go about blaming other people for your problems, most of them are self made as much as many are man made.
So it Is a good morning already, but what can you see? How many destruction pattern have you set? What peace have you nurtured? Remember, the havoc caused or hatched today may take many years to take it's stand and by that time, it is already too late to make any amends.
Jesus offered peace for every hatred, healing for every insult, preaching for every insinuations and His life for every death wishes purported against Him. What a sacrifice?
What is your sacrifice this morning? We do know your Christian Faith is very buoyant. Although you are known in the corridors of power, what can you give to retain or attain peace as a child of God?
The day is already good to you, toe its pattern to achieve peace; just like Christ we all claim to humbly serve. May His Grace be sufficient for us in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...

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