Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Wednesday 8 April 2015

No one has it all!

Testimony Time:-Good morning Children of God and welcome to another defining moment in His Presence.
If only men can trust God with their plans, pleasures and plights, life to all will be quite meaningful.
I have been in this world to know and also learnt that no one has it all. The riches we run after is someone's poison and the good health we take for granted is much cherished by those who are suffering from some kind of pain.
The children/child you abuse is someone's dream, so also the wife you choose to disregard is silently sought after in some quarters by a lonely heart.
What is yours is the gift of today where you can live to make a difference. While you are still alive, it is personal and no one can take it from you without the wrought of the land. The only person outside that guarantee is our Lord who can put paid to any affairs, as often as He pleases.
Within this Grace therefore, just remember no one has it all. Instead of complaining, wingding and brooding, just thank God. Be grateful unto Him because what makes you so unhappy in His Presence, someone somewhere and somehow works relentlessly to purge same so that his/her peace can be assured/restored.
May the Lord give us the Grace to see things through His Eyes and a discerning heart to accept His Purpose in our lives in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence…

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