Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Wednesday 8 April 2015

What do you carry over, guilt or peace?

Testimony Time:-Good morning Beloved of Christ and welcome to a new season. Let me congratulate ourselves for the restoration of our souls as we gained victory upon the night sleep.
I am sure we all know that during this short period of incapacity, we had a very clear mind as we enjoyed our sleep. And it does not matter how great the challenges, trials, temptation, riches, pride, love, beauty, stubbornness etc, we have, we always leave them at the doors of our sleep.
Now that we can share in the power of the cross over, which of these stubborn stains have you carried over?
Without much elaboration, you must learn to live behind all polluted thoughts of yesterday as you are ushered into a new limelight. Health wise, you will be sound and spiritually you will begin to enjoy your Kingdom experience from this world.
May the power of restoration deposited in us today realign us with God's Purpose in our lives. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...

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