Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Wednesday 8 April 2015

The faked Christian in us

Testimony Time:-Good morning Children of Faith and welcome to another day in His Presence. For whether we live, we live for Christ and if we die, our death becomes gains only if we have followed His dictates whilst in this world. (Romans 14:8)
In the race for the Kingdom, we carry the banner that Christ lived and went through trials and temptations, was crucified, dead and risen on the third day.
We believed, we murmur and we recite in genuflect this slogan at every opportunity but usually, our conducts separate us so much from what we confess. And very ironically, these set division between us and the peace we so much clamor about. John 14:23
It is Easter Monday already and the time is still flying. We have in it another reminder purposely occasioned by God to bring us back to Christ. Will you accept Him fully? Behold Christ stands at the door of your heart, if you give the invitation without letting Him fully into your life, you can simply be classified as a "Faked Christian". Therefore, your showboating in prayer, fasting, preaching and prophecies may elucidate you before men as indeed a man/woman of God, but really and truly, you may be miles away from His Kingdom.
Lord on this day many years ago, the Angels and the world celebrated the rising of Your Son from the position of death, we ask through this Grace to make our journeys in Your Presence count in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...

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