Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Wednesday 8 April 2015

The word, Peace.

Testimony Time:-Good morning to you all and welcome to one of the Promises of the Lord. 

Today, we will consider the word peace, what it denotes and or its connotations. 

Some quotable quotes describe peace as the ability to handle conflicts, which also includes tests, trials and tribulations by peaceful means. How you respond to such issues as Christians carefully brings out the Christ in you as against any worldly manifestations.

Peace, as a result must not be seen as the absence of any conflict per se but how deeply rooted you are in Words of God-according to the pages of the Bible to seek peace. (Hebrew 12:14)

Peace cannot be kept using forceful means. However, it can only be achieved through understanding.

Peace must begin at home, school and in the community at large. The quest for peace therefore must also begin at home, in the school and in work places.

You must first bring peace to yourself, then you can bring peace to others. Not the other way round. Let us therefore give peace a chance. Let Peace reign! Christ Himself represent Peace (John 14:27) and if we claim to follow His Principle, we must pursue peace and it shall be well with you. Amen

May the power of the Holy One ensure peace unto our live in Jesus name. Amen

Just checking in into His Presence...

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