Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Wednesday 8 April 2015

The right to live?

Testimony Time:-Good morning to you all Christians Soldiers and welcome to another Breakfast in His Presence.
This morning, the main meal served to you by God is to give us "the right to live". This undoubtedly gives us access to other delicacies and drink with different flavors. You can then choose to have them as you like but first you must decide to partake from the Menu which the Lord have decided to serve indiscriminately.
God has made the first step, we have been spared even where are character may have been dubious and filled with complacence coupled with nonchalance. However, the invitation to taste of His Breakfast is not random, it has been giving to all those who have decided live in Christ and also die in Christ.
Are you living for Christ? Are you setting the examples of Christ? Are you leading people to Christ or to yourself? Are you really eating from the Lord's Table? If you die today, would you have died having Christ as gain?
Please note, all favorable answer puts you in great demand in the Kingdom of God, where our claims as Christian Soldiers whilst in this world will be tested with fire, whether we like it or not.
Happy New Month and may we have a meaningful run in His Presence in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...

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