Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Friday 24 April 2015

God's image or a scarecrow?

Testimony Time:-Good morning to all Images of God and welcome to another display of His Supremacy. Genesis 1:26-27 assures us about the intention of God when men were to be created. God was so desperate that He summoned His Co-Workers to work on men so that they can be a true replica of Him in deeds and image. And in Genesis 1:31, God was very proud of His creation because through His perfect creation, men have now become a befitting image of God. What does your image looks like today? One that is worthy of purchase to display in every house or a scarecrow of the Kingdom of God on Earth? The challenges of all faith is that men oftentimes follow rules that are outside the Basic Instructions of God. Like fighting, quarreling, plotting, reveling, fornication, idolatry etc. The good thing is, today is another day where God have set everything anew. Make good your image, make it worthy of purchase and worthy to be displayed. May we continue to live according to the Original Purpose of God so that we will be able to do all things through Him that strengthens us. Amen Just checking in into His Presence...

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