Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Spiritual effigies or Holy Spirit?

Testimony a Time:-Good morning to you all Children of Grace and welcome to another Greatness in His Faithfulness.
Today is another day that testifies to the Greatness of God in our lives because we have been powered to outlive another night.
God is God and would be God at all times, no matter what are thoughts are He will remain as Such. Do you therefore believe in Him or you are just a mere camouflage of His warnings?
The world may be drawn unto you based on the spiritual effigies you carry. You can also attracts lots of personality to yourself through deception and unfounded stories that cannot see the daylight. You may also choose to represent who you want to represent by any means; know that without the Words of God truly embedded in you, your tenure in His Presence will always become short lived.
However, those who know their God will have Great Energy For God and to do His Wills. They will soar like eagle and do mighty exploits- Daniel 11:32b
Do you have enough energy for Christ? What does the Christ in you exhibit at the expense of the Christian in you? Can you honourably say you are for Christ and not as a result of some gains?
It is the 3rd day of the 3rd month in the year which is divisible by 3, let us make amends if indeed we are one of the caricatures of what Christ truly represent.
The race to His Kingdom is not for those who are weary or faint hearted, not by robes, prophesies, positions or how well you can write or speak. It is about those who are strong in keeping His Word despite the trials and temptations we may face from time to time.
On this special day Lord, we beseech you to give us new desires to serve and worship you. Let us be strong against the wiles and fiery darts of trials and temptation. Let your Grace in us overcome them all so that we will continually be established for Your Purpose. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...

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