Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Wednesday 8 April 2015

The Abel or the Cane in you?

Testimony Time:-Good morning Sons and Daughters of the Most High God. By His Grace I am able to welcome you to another enrichment of His Faithfulness as we are saved from the perils of the night once again.
Let us give the Lord the glory for His Great Power of resuscitation. The Lord took us from the position of a very deep sleep where we were motionless and powerless. He then gave us a new lease of life purposely so that we can continue to glorify His name no matter what we face as humans.
When you are filled with praise unto Him Who is Great, albeit without any complaint about your situation, you are already offering a sacrifice which goes directly to The Throne of Grace.
Cane in the Book of Genesis had his offering overwhelmed with discouragement, there was no iota of any delight in all the process of his offering and got what he deserved in terms of reimbursement from God.
Whereas. Abel attention to details saw his offering very carefully accepted by God. Don't forget, both Cane and Abel tilled the same ground and also had the same opportunities. The only difference was one had a grateful heart and the other seats in condemnation over every opportunities at his disposition.
God understands our limitations. He knows when we are severely impaired. The story about the "Widows Mite" is a clear example of how generous our Lord can be in accepting our offering, only if we have a grateful heart.
Today, what are your complaints? About the weather? About missed chances? Or about you plunging headlong into different dangerous scenario an expects God to take the blame?
The sad thing is we know when we are making the wrong move, yet we will fail to acknowledge it because of our stony heart; and God now becomes the first culprit of our failures.
Therefore, let us come back to God today by acknowledging our waywardness. Let us begin to seek Him and come back into the fortress of righteous so we can brake the shackles of the Imprisonment of our hope, as commandeered by Satan.
May the Grace of God brake all bondage upon our lives and set us at Liberty to enjoy the fullness of His Grace at all times in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...

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