Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Tuesday 14 April 2015

The story of inner self

Testimony Time:-Good morning to you all and welcome to another day in His Presence.

The irony is, whether we live or die, we will always be in His Presence. Therefore, when God gives us the opportunity to live; it comes with every chance to improve the sort of relationship we are likely to have with Him when we are dead to this world.

Therefore, as a child of God whose desire is to proclaim Christianity at every opportunity, do you ever consider whether you are scurrying, cutting or walking through the same faith?

Are you capable of bringing tempest with indignation and causing uproar within your terrain? Do you know that Christianity can be viewed and interpreted just like the two sides of the coin?

Luke 11:23 claims you have to work and walk with God before you can be considered to be in His Camp. Are you working and walking within your Christian virtues or values?

O Lord our God, do not allow our inner self to overshadow and also pollute the image you have made us to be and let our conducts in your Presence resonates the image you wanted us to be. Amen

Just checking in into His Presence...

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