Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Wednesday 8 April 2015

All about Ephesian 4:15

Testimony Time:-Good morning to you all and welcome to another opportunity where we can express ourselves in the Presence of the Lord.
God have been so great by choosing to give us our dues this morning. We may have asked for the opportunity to live through prayer, the decision in itself rests squarely with our Maker.
Now that you have been spared by God, what are you going to give Him in return?
Remember, God is Everything to us. He can be a Friend in times of trouble. But does He get the same treatment from us? The way we respond to His Love is quite synonymous to those we give back to our earthly friends-repaying good with evil.
How many promises have you broken? How many people have you used to get to your position? Just how many bridges of peace have you burnt?
As Christians, to stop loving each other is tantamount to taking the laws into our hands in the real world. We know that that alone attracts penal justice. How much more when we sin against the precepts of the Lord?
I love writing as many love preaching the Words of God. Does that makes us to be more Christian than everyone? No! The only righteous person is Christ, therefore claiming to be righteous through Him does not mean we are saints. (Romans 1:17 & Romans 3:22)
For example, if we are fond of taking money from the poor and we are rich, if we also practice usury and short changed workers, we are as guilty as those people we send to guillotine through mere suspicion of unrighteousness.
Every suspicion must have the blessings of God upon them, otherwise they are mere scarecrow. We must therefore stop playing God with ourselves, even at that "we have to be merciful to the extent of the length of heaven unto the earth and also slow in anger" (Numbers 14:18 & Psalm 103: 2-12)
Oh Lord our God, how excellent is Your name. We pray for Your Mercies so that all bitterness in us against our neighbours can be eschewed in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...

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