Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Wednesday 8 April 2015

The breastplate of righteousness

Testimony Time:-Good morning friends and it is another time to sing His Praises.
Fire may have struck to reduce our place of worship to ashes but the Christ in us supersedes all ephemeral spirit influenced by Satan and his cohorts.
If the building had to go to save three people, then let it be. That means they can continue to declare the Testimonies of God, all in His Presence when the pain will become gain through Christ that we serve.
We do know some will rejoice upon our condition, some even worked day and night to ensure we worship in pains, while some perpetrate the news in an adverse form. The good news is some have already shown their willingness to support the process of rebuilding, making the Church a better edifice than the original burnt by Satan.
From this ashes, we know God can raise us up, from this pain God can make us gain, from this temporary set back we can still claw back our losses because Christ in us cannot be reduced to rubble.
We say a Big Thank You to those who joined us yesterday to offer praises unto Him when the devil thought we have been burnt out and for celebrating with us "life instead of death" upon the lives of some of His Dear Children.
May the Lord give you peace of mind in every endeavour of yours. For every sweat, efforts, gifts and assistance sowed unto God or planned to sow, the Lord will repay you in many fold. And very soon we will celebrate the beauty of God from this ashes in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His presence...

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