Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Wednesday 8 April 2015

A Child of God?

Testimony Time:-Good morning to you all Esteemed Vessels of God and welcome to a new beginning in His Presence.
I really want to congratulate each of us for this wonderful occasion. But do we all know that if we are called Christians and or we ascribed the title of a Child of God unto ourselves and we failed to totally submit to what really makes us A Child of God, we will not totally receive from His Total Supplies?
The Lord has total Dominion on everything in this world and can choose to dispense with them as He wishes. Let us think as Christians or as a self ascribed Child of God, how you think His manner of approach will be?
Give unto those who faithfully serve Him and obey His Commandments or unto those who flagrantly disobey His Rules? (Psalm 59:1)
You can still make amends today. Like the Prodigal Son, he was not reinstated back to the position of Total Supplies of his father until he made a total u turn so much so that his siblings became so jealous of him. (Luke 15:11-32)
Now is the time, Christ knocks on your door seconds by seconds, will you listen and or are you listening? Will you open the door to heart so He can come and sup with you?
I leave you with the answers, but remember to receive His Total Supplies, you must give a favourable answer to His calling.
Lord guide us, make us truly Your own through Your Prefect Redemption. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...

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