Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Wednesday 6 December 2023

7th December 2023

Checking into Gods Presence... 

Today's message is very simple and it concerns the use of our tongues. It is a weakness that has become so violent in recent times and it carries dangers that are very specific in nature. 

More than half of the World's problem would have been solved if only we can tame our tongues and the Epistle of James 3 deals so much about the subject. In Proverbs 18:21 also, the tongue is described as having the power of life and death.

There is a great divide between what we stand for as Christians and what we utter from our mouths. We are fond of forgetting who we are when we unleash untamed utterances from our mouth without minding the consequences. 

Many have been driven to the point of death; some have been alienated, while some have simply taking their own lives. We may not know the effects unless we are at the receiving end of such vulgar and dehumanizing statements.

I am humbled at how convenient we subdue ourselves with this weakness in the house of God. Many who came for salvation had been stigmatized. The only Epistle they know and read from could be just us (2 Corinthians 3: 2-3) and with that, they may be lost forever to the world. 

Not only that, the way we write about ourselves these days is very alarming, more on the social media using the name of Christ. Some also claimed to be Christ and a prophet that was ordained by God. Only God knows who is fooling who and what they would have done if there are no social media. 

They have never witnessed anything positive, except to snoop and write castigating comments about events and people alike without reasons. And If Christ is the key, Christ should be in it and that means there must be peace in it. 

For any of our actions, including utterances and write ups, Christ must be in it. It should be an Epistle that portrays the peace of God in us and also draw people unto Christ. 

As we look forward to ushering a brand new year, l pray to God to give us hearts that sees the goodness of God in all we do as opposed to condemnation.

Do have a fulfilling day in the presence of God today and always. Amen


Just checking into His Presence…

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