Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Monday 4 December 2023

4th December 2023

Checking into Gods Presence...  

God being God, we have another opportunity to witness another week in our lives, for this I welcome and also congratulate each and every one, through His Gracious Grace.

Today, it is all about the progress we have achieved working and walking in His Presence since we all claimed to be Christians, let alone Born Again. I am aware that the Bible itself is a progressive revelation of One Man who is Jesus Christ through the illumination of the minds of men of God. 

The study of it shows the Breathe of God into their writings and we see the stories of Jesus Christ unfold from Genesis unto Revelation through the Hands of God.

So this day, I want to ask if you know Him. Have you met Him? Are you working for Him? Are you walking with Him? And are you waiting for Him? The attestation of both Simeon and Anna on the birth of our Lord Jesus did not just happen. It had a degree of timing which led to the fulfilment of the covenant of God upon them. 

So also the journey of Abraham with God! There was progression in the journey until the covenant of God became fulfilled upon Him. If we are claiming blessing from God such as that of Abraham, we must make progress in our knowledge of God and it must be steady in growth. 

Our position within this growth must not in any way retrogress. Let us remember what happened to Saul and why the Lord rejected him as King in 1 Samuel 15. It does not matter when and where you started knowing God. What is important is you don’t look back afterwards. 

Today is an opportunity to realign your steps with His. He has lots of rewards for your trouble. Start making progress in your knowledge of Him today and your peace is assured. He did to Simeon, Anna and Abraham to mention a few and yours is next, Amen

Do have a week full of the Lord’s mercy and breakthrough. Amen


Just checking into His Presence…

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