Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Thursday 28 December 2023

29th December 2023

Checking into Gods Presence... 

The message today is very simple. It encourages me to ask a question about what draws you to God. Are you a part time worshiper? Do you always remember God when there are challenges? 

Do you forsake Him when you think all hope is lost to run after other gods? At a time of plenty, do you still remember Him? Or are you one of those who believe there is no God or maybe you are one of those who walk around thinking you are God?

We all have our answers but I want us think very carefully. God is God and no one can be compared unto Him. Until you seek Him and find Him, one will be like a ship left on the sea without a paddle.

And as the year is withering, and the New Year is gradually rolling in, can l ask about what has taken you away from Christ? Remember Christ faced some tribulations as stated in (Luke 2:34-35), therefore no one is immune from occasional crisis. 

It is even evidenced that there are self-made and man-made crisis, and oftentimes we are bound to be infected by them. That is what we need to deal with and the way we respond to them determines the level of our faith with God. 

Hannah walked through manmade crisis as a result of intimidation from Penninah and David and the Prodigal Son passed through self-made crisis. In all, they were consistent in their drive and the Lord listened and also helped them to regain the so much awaited comfort.

What is your excuse? What lane are you that have not been occupied by someone before? Keep your faith and He will keep your dream. He did for Hannah, He did for Hagar, He did for Solomon and yours is next in Jesus Name. Amen

Wishing you all a happy and prosperous New Year in advance. Amen


Just checking into His presence…

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