Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Tuesday 19 December 2023

20th December 2023

Checking into Gods Presence...  

As the year is gradually winding to a close, it is another time to enjoy the comfort the Lord provides in the presence of today. Albeit that within these comforts, there will be challenges, but do you have the patience to hold forth until the thick cloud submerges?

The impatience we suffer when little itches occur brings further challenges into our paths. Patience is not only a virtue but a necessity for happy living. And so also in our desire to worship him we must exercise patience for us to enjoy His faithfulness.

I pray to God to fill us with what is of Him and remove traits that may prevent us from worshipping Him in faith, trust and believe in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen


Just checking into His presence…

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