Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Tuesday 5 December 2023

6th December 2023

Checking into Gods Presence... 

Today is all about individual differences. It is a topic we fail to understand even though wide ranging Universities devote their time in its studies. If we can have the study in the School of Education, I am sure it is in other field of studies too directly or indirectly, we have it embedded in different studies.

In the secular world, It has now become an important subject that employers have found a way to introduce in the employment laws to promote and stimulate motivation for their employees. 

To the employers, maximum output is only achievable where the employee works at his/her best. In other words, there must be linkage between all strata of the work force and each of them must work according to rules that will not undermine the effectiveness of other organs of the work force.

Apostle Paul was also clear about this method in his First Epistle to the Corinthians Chapter 12 where he took time to explain diversities in Spiritual Gifts. As we have individual differences in gifts of the Spirit so also we have them in other areas of live. 

The problem associated with diversities of gifts is how to harness them together and make them work for one glory either for God which is in a church or at Homes. Usually, this is not a problem at work places because the laws are very strict.

Homes have been turned into a burning furnace, whilst churches have been turned into a boxing arena. The head sees him/her as very special to the led and because of social awareness, insurrection sets in. 

That is the order of the day in today's homes and churches too. Food for thought! If we give room for individual differences, our homes and churches will become a better place because no two individual are the same. Even when they were born as twins, they will soon develop to have different qualities, all to the glory of God. 

Do have a mid week that is filled with the accomplishments of God in Jesus Mighty Name.Amen


Just checking into His Presence...

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