Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Wednesday 20 December 2023

21st December 2023

Checking into Gods Presence... 

The inspirational topic today is about forgiveness. It has been a determining factor between us and the manifestation of the Grace of God upon us. The effects of which can be overwhelming.

When we fail to forgive as Christ taught us, it makes our hearts very impure straight away. 

That eliminates the presence of His Grace without us knowing.

Forgiveness is the key. It is certain that offence will be committed because of our human nature. Individual differences must take its course and it is the way we respond to these differences that makes us real Christians.

In the face of persecution and mutilation, Christ forgave and also performed miracle. He encouraged Peter to desist from drawing sword, either to kill or harm. For whoever kill or harm by the sword will surely receive the same punishment


This is peculiar to all. Let us see forgiveness as the key to our happiness because of its therapeutic nature. It will solve a lot of issues which also includes misconception.

 Our inabilities to let things go have constantly brought lots of displeasure. Court cases, harm, suppression, oppression, divorce, separation, extinction, alienation, murder, manslaughter, fighting and insurrection to mention but a few. 

So also is our inability to admit we are wrong and apologize.

If we constantly nag about the truth, you will stretch it beyond pardon and this will naturally cause discord. We must be able to make and accept peace offering whenever we see such. That in itself is Christianity!

May the power of God teach us His Word so we can always receive from Him. Amen 


Just checking into His presence…

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