Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Sunday 17 December 2023

17th December 2023

Checking into Gods Presence...  

It is another Sunday in His presence although we don't have to be in our churches to experience the Lord’s goodness. But clearly, we are present today before God but tomorrow is what we are not sure of, except by His grace.

But let me ask if your position with your old relationship have been erased into the path of unrighteousness? Do you still maintain your sanctification from the sins of guilt? 

Are you a new creation? Do you believe in Him? Are you comfortable with just attending Churches and all their program as ordinary Christian or your desire is to be divinely elevated whilst on the planet earth? 

To get to the position of guilt in the legal theory, causation is examined. This connects conducts with results. 

Naturally, we must then believe that when we suffer unbelief, there is always disobedience attached to our actions. Therefore, having a spirit of doubt plays an important role in the pedestal knowledge of our Maker.

However, God can still choose to carry us within His unsearchable riches only if we retrace our steps and allow His Senses which is everlasting to mould us in all our endeavours’. 

Here is an open invitation for you to enjoy His mercies. If you accept even in your state of unbelief (Isaiah 40:29), it will invoke the spirit of God to descend and you will begin to feel His presence (Isaiah 40:30-31). Without that, something will always be elusive- and that is the Spirit of God which assists in ALL prayers. 

Lord, we beseech You to empty us of ourselves and fill us with Yourself. Give us a new name by deleting all unrighteousness from our frame in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen


Just checking into His presence

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