Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Sunday 17 December 2023

18th December 2023

Checking into Gods Presence... 

This new week, and in the run up to the end of the year, I would encourage us to draw courage in any situation we may be facing, even when we are at the very lowest ebb of our life. 

We must realize that no matter how brave one can be in life, there are occasions that we will enjoy some weaknesses. Christ, who we claim to be an example of our faith went through the same process. 

Our heavenly Father knows what agony and grief stands for in the sacrifice of His beloved Son in Jesus Christ and must understand when we enjoy a precarious situation.

The weaknesses that we enjoy represent the storm of life which often drives many to seek God. This is because some are there to correct and align us with the Author and Finisher of our faith. 

We stand to enjoy the Lord's opulence even in health when we take advantage of this opportunity. The eagles rise above the storm in the aerodynamic theory to overcome the obnoxious weather and we have to use the same skill to navigate ourselves out of every predicament. 

This can only happen when we have God as a Centre Point in our lives. God is a Comforter (Isaiah 51:12) who can give health to our souls but first we need to seek Him. Make peace with Him and make every weakness count as a weakness of faith in the knowledge, goodness and wisdom of God. 

We may make wrong judgement in life to occasion challenges, but that does not mean there is error in our design by God. Make no mistake; our heavenly Father makes no mistakes. 

Come unto Him, He is waiting to give rest to your souls (Mathew 11:28). All we need do is to seek Him and find Him. Do have a glorious and successful week in His presence in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen


Just checking into His presence…

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