Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Saturday 23 December 2023

24th December 2023

Checking into Gods Presence...  

On this Christmas Eve and as we all rejoice in the glory of God with the gift of His presence by keeping us until this day. I want to personally thank Him for His mercies that are forever daily. 

In our various strides from January until now, we may have encountered challenges that occasionally make us feel neglected by Him. I can assure you that great are His faithfulness because His Hands are not short to the extent of not rendering any deliverance. 

But rather, our minds are just too far away to connect with His mercies to our detriment. How? Where was your mind in the church last Sunday? This point may be disturbing yes, if your mind is always far from your position then you are missing the grace. 

So also in every other relationships or tasks you may be performing. When the Lord says call unto me and I will answer thee and show you great and mighty things, He is appealing to your minds, when you give Him in times of challenges there will always be restitution.

Hannah did by giving the Lord her mind, her bareness was restored. The woman with the issue of blood did, by focussing her mind onto Jesus, thinking if only she could touch Jesus garment, her health will be restored and so was it.

And David did, even after sleeping with Bathsheba. He gave the Lord his mind by showing remorse for his sin. He was penitent and sang praises unto the Lord. With this type of sin that was unheard of, the Lord chose to call him a man after His own heart.

Today therefore and on this Lord’s Day, the Lord needs your minds. He knows your situation constantly needs His attention. No matter your challenges, He can only work with you if you are prepared to work with Him.

Today is another Christmas Eve oh Lord and we pray for the mercy surrounding the birth of Jesus Christ to overwhelme our minds and fulfill His glory in us in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen 


Just checking into His presence…

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