Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Sunday, 31 December 2023

31st December 2023

Checking into Gods Presence... 

Members of God's family, let it be known that through our faith alone and in Christ alone, we have direct access to our Heavenly Father because we have all been saved by Grace through faith."I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am He, ye shall die in your sins" (John 8:24), 

“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast" (Ephesians 2:8-9) and "For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16). 

Jesus thought about us individually whilst He was on the Cross; although He did not sin, Jesus was willing to suffer in our place. Today, you are all invited to bear His testimonies through the Power of Right believing to gain access to all our wants through His heavenly grace.

Another beautiful year which began has just ended. A new one is bound to start and it will also end just has it started in a flash. Passages will come and go as sermons do come and go. Preachers stumble in and stumble out of churches, leaving footprints of what the Lord requires. 

Funny enough, as quickly as these are done, so our lives will be done. What we have left are the effects of all the prints we have left in the world. Jesus is the reason behind every season. He is knocking on your door which has no handle. 

This means it can only be opened from the inside by you and that puts the responsibility squarely on you. If you open the door, He will come in and sup with you and do great and mighty things (Ephesian 3:20) because He is the God of all flesh and with Him everything is possible.

May this New Year brings good news to your doors. Amen and 

Thank you for being part of the Testimony Time, God bless. Amen


Just checking into His presence…

Thursday, 28 December 2023

29th December 2023

Checking into Gods Presence... 

The message today is very simple. It encourages me to ask a question about what draws you to God. Are you a part time worshiper? Do you always remember God when there are challenges? 

Do you forsake Him when you think all hope is lost to run after other gods? At a time of plenty, do you still remember Him? Or are you one of those who believe there is no God or maybe you are one of those who walk around thinking you are God?

We all have our answers but I want us think very carefully. God is God and no one can be compared unto Him. Until you seek Him and find Him, one will be like a ship left on the sea without a paddle.

And as the year is withering, and the New Year is gradually rolling in, can l ask about what has taken you away from Christ? Remember Christ faced some tribulations as stated in (Luke 2:34-35), therefore no one is immune from occasional crisis. 

It is even evidenced that there are self-made and man-made crisis, and oftentimes we are bound to be infected by them. That is what we need to deal with and the way we respond to them determines the level of our faith with God. 

Hannah walked through manmade crisis as a result of intimidation from Penninah and David and the Prodigal Son passed through self-made crisis. In all, they were consistent in their drive and the Lord listened and also helped them to regain the so much awaited comfort.

What is your excuse? What lane are you that have not been occupied by someone before? Keep your faith and He will keep your dream. He did for Hannah, He did for Hagar, He did for Solomon and yours is next in Jesus Name. Amen

Wishing you all a happy and prosperous New Year in advance. Amen


Just checking into His presence…

Wednesday, 27 December 2023

28 December 2023

Checking into Gods Presence...  

I have been inspired to remind us all that when you worship, work and also walk with God, you gain a natural experience with Him. However, for you to gain His expertise you need to follow His precepts, and by so doing, you will naturally gain access to His hidden riches of heaven.

The choice to experience His testimonies rest solely on every individual. And while we walk towards welcoming the year 2024,  you will need to make that choice today because we don't know what tomorrow will be by this time tomorrow.

I wish you all the best in your experience today in His presence. May the new year brings solace, joy, peace, unsearchable comfort, riches, divine breakthrough and good health to our domain in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen Shalom


Just checking into His presence…

Tuesday, 26 December 2023

27th December 2023

Checking into Gods Presence... 

As Christians, and even though we are still in the Christmas festive season, l encourage you all to eschew habits that hammer more on falsehood. It is equally bad when the truth is further stretched beyond pardon. 

In all, we are encouraged to have an open mind about issues without passing judgement because the only righteous person that ever lived is Christ Himself, and He was still crucified wrongfully.

Would you then believe that a lot of foundations have been destroyed over the issues of righteousness using the Name of Christ, and by so doing, we pull down ourselves and it does not matter where. 

Let the Lord be the judge when we fight for ourselves using the name of God. (Romans 12:2)

On this mercy day, I pray for the Holy Spirit to take possession of our hearts and remove bitterness, envy, jealousy, and pride, instead, infuse in us humility, love, riches, kindness, comfort, peace and everlasting joy in Jesus Name. Amen


Just checking into His presence…

26th December 2023

Checking into Gods Presence...  

On this Boxing Day, the presence of the day itself filled my heart and seduced me to writing. And whilst nodding to the overflow, I realized many feel pushed with horns when it comes to serving God and more importantly to come before Him and give thanks offering through their testimonies.

Let it be known that apart from the constant CCTV that monitors our behaviours for the prevention of crimes, there is also "God Watch", which is better than the CCTV because He sees both the heart and our outward conducts. (1 Samuel 16:7 

“and the Lord search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.” Jeremiah 17:10)

Give the Lord His praise, for the creation of man was never beyond Him! Though the memories we have of this may have perished, we should use this Boxing Day to pray unto Him to come in His Might and remove the memories we have for vain things and allow His love to saturate our hearts in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen


Just checking into His presence…

Monday, 25 December 2023

25th December 2023

Checking into Gods Presence...  

Even as we celebrate the joy of this Christmas, we must also keep abreast of the fact that in the last days there will be times of difficulty, but we must also remember that Christ gave clear instruction as to how we can meet all our challenges through our devotion to His calling.

Joel 2:28-30 States, The Lord Will Pour Out His Spirit
28 [a] “And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
your old men shall dream dreams,
and your young men shall see visions.

29 Even on the male and female servants in those days I will pour out my Spirit. 30 “And I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and columns of smoke. 31 The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes. 

32 And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. For in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there shall be those who escape, as the Lord has said, and among the survivors shall be those whom the Lord calls.

The Bible says each of us will receive the reward of our stewardship, whether it is good or bad. (Ecclesiastes 12:14) "For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil." 

I pray for the perfect joy of the season to saturate our lives and allow the reason for this season to perfect what is wailing, comfort and grant us peace all year round in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen

Merry Christmas and Happy and a prosperous New Year


Just checking into His presence…

Saturday, 23 December 2023

24th December 2023

Checking into Gods Presence...  

On this Christmas Eve and as we all rejoice in the glory of God with the gift of His presence by keeping us until this day. I want to personally thank Him for His mercies that are forever daily. 

In our various strides from January until now, we may have encountered challenges that occasionally make us feel neglected by Him. I can assure you that great are His faithfulness because His Hands are not short to the extent of not rendering any deliverance. 

But rather, our minds are just too far away to connect with His mercies to our detriment. How? Where was your mind in the church last Sunday? This point may be disturbing yes, if your mind is always far from your position then you are missing the grace. 

So also in every other relationships or tasks you may be performing. When the Lord says call unto me and I will answer thee and show you great and mighty things, He is appealing to your minds, when you give Him in times of challenges there will always be restitution.

Hannah did by giving the Lord her mind, her bareness was restored. The woman with the issue of blood did, by focussing her mind onto Jesus, thinking if only she could touch Jesus garment, her health will be restored and so was it.

And David did, even after sleeping with Bathsheba. He gave the Lord his mind by showing remorse for his sin. He was penitent and sang praises unto the Lord. With this type of sin that was unheard of, the Lord chose to call him a man after His own heart.

Today therefore and on this Lord’s Day, the Lord needs your minds. He knows your situation constantly needs His attention. No matter your challenges, He can only work with you if you are prepared to work with Him.

Today is another Christmas Eve oh Lord and we pray for the mercy surrounding the birth of Jesus Christ to overwhelme our minds and fulfill His glory in us in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen 


Just checking into His presence…

23rd December 2023

Checking into Gods Presence... 

It is so we enjoy His presence all of the time and we often fail to notice them all. Instead we greet His Works, Words, Love, Trust, Faithfulness and Righteousness with complaints and disdain.

It does not matter how much we are reminded about His original promise in Exodus 3:8 through astute men and women of God, but we fail usually to connect to the realm of His Grace.

Undoubtedly, this now becomes advantaged Satan who is the greatest enemy to our minds. Our minds when positioned with God, allows us to enjoy the realm of our faith and God's miracles abound. 

If they are occupied with the antics of the Devil through sin, Devil miracles manifest in the realm of fear which now becomes an entrapment to the good plans which God has for us. Jeremiah 29:11

Open our minds oh Lord and let us continue to flourish with Your grace. Amen 


Just checking into His presence…

Thursday, 21 December 2023

22nd December 2023

Checking into Gods Presence...  

It is another dawn to talk about our experience in the presence of our Lord. We may pretend not to know about this privilege. I can assure you that through His mercies we are not consumed.

Christ brought a message of hope to us. His life on earth demonstrated that those who believe in Him will not die and when they die they will live to receive the eternal Kingdom.

Today, I want to remind us that there is no other power under the heaven through which anyone can be saved except through Christ our Saviour.

Therefore, train your minds to accept Him, though our lives may be filled with errors, you can still experience His peace. Why? Simply because there is nothing like Divine errors.

May the power in the resurrection of the the Name Jesus Christ remove the unrighteousness in our names and fill us with what is His in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen


Just checking into His presence…

Wednesday, 20 December 2023

21st December 2023

Checking into Gods Presence... 

The inspirational topic today is about forgiveness. It has been a determining factor between us and the manifestation of the Grace of God upon us. The effects of which can be overwhelming.

When we fail to forgive as Christ taught us, it makes our hearts very impure straight away. 

That eliminates the presence of His Grace without us knowing.

Forgiveness is the key. It is certain that offence will be committed because of our human nature. Individual differences must take its course and it is the way we respond to these differences that makes us real Christians.

In the face of persecution and mutilation, Christ forgave and also performed miracle. He encouraged Peter to desist from drawing sword, either to kill or harm. For whoever kill or harm by the sword will surely receive the same punishment


This is peculiar to all. Let us see forgiveness as the key to our happiness because of its therapeutic nature. It will solve a lot of issues which also includes misconception.

 Our inabilities to let things go have constantly brought lots of displeasure. Court cases, harm, suppression, oppression, divorce, separation, extinction, alienation, murder, manslaughter, fighting and insurrection to mention but a few. 

So also is our inability to admit we are wrong and apologize.

If we constantly nag about the truth, you will stretch it beyond pardon and this will naturally cause discord. We must be able to make and accept peace offering whenever we see such. That in itself is Christianity!

May the power of God teach us His Word so we can always receive from Him. Amen 


Just checking into His presence…

Tuesday, 19 December 2023

20th December 2023

Checking into Gods Presence...  

As the year is gradually winding to a close, it is another time to enjoy the comfort the Lord provides in the presence of today. Albeit that within these comforts, there will be challenges, but do you have the patience to hold forth until the thick cloud submerges?

The impatience we suffer when little itches occur brings further challenges into our paths. Patience is not only a virtue but a necessity for happy living. And so also in our desire to worship him we must exercise patience for us to enjoy His faithfulness.

I pray to God to fill us with what is of Him and remove traits that may prevent us from worshipping Him in faith, trust and believe in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen


Just checking into His presence…

Monday, 18 December 2023

19th December 2023

Checking into Gods Presence...  

As a result of God's Goodness, we have the grace to march into the the sixteenth day in the month of December, and in spite of all our complaints. 

However, we must realize that the world itself is made with series of complaints once we can enjoy economic upturns or downturns. And it is in our efforts to respond to the market stimuli’s that oftentimes brings a lot of pressures on the way we lead our lives in Christ. 

But know that Christ is the Key that can give rest to our souls. His waiting to lead us out of all challenges and give comfort to our souls (Isaiah 51:12). 

I pray that we shall experience comfort on all sides even as the year in withering and drifting to an end in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen. 


Just checking into His presence…

Sunday, 17 December 2023

18th December 2023

Checking into Gods Presence... 

This new week, and in the run up to the end of the year, I would encourage us to draw courage in any situation we may be facing, even when we are at the very lowest ebb of our life. 

We must realize that no matter how brave one can be in life, there are occasions that we will enjoy some weaknesses. Christ, who we claim to be an example of our faith went through the same process. 

Our heavenly Father knows what agony and grief stands for in the sacrifice of His beloved Son in Jesus Christ and must understand when we enjoy a precarious situation.

The weaknesses that we enjoy represent the storm of life which often drives many to seek God. This is because some are there to correct and align us with the Author and Finisher of our faith. 

We stand to enjoy the Lord's opulence even in health when we take advantage of this opportunity. The eagles rise above the storm in the aerodynamic theory to overcome the obnoxious weather and we have to use the same skill to navigate ourselves out of every predicament. 

This can only happen when we have God as a Centre Point in our lives. God is a Comforter (Isaiah 51:12) who can give health to our souls but first we need to seek Him. Make peace with Him and make every weakness count as a weakness of faith in the knowledge, goodness and wisdom of God. 

We may make wrong judgement in life to occasion challenges, but that does not mean there is error in our design by God. Make no mistake; our heavenly Father makes no mistakes. 

Come unto Him, He is waiting to give rest to your souls (Mathew 11:28). All we need do is to seek Him and find Him. Do have a glorious and successful week in His presence in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen


Just checking into His presence…

17th December 2023

Checking into Gods Presence...  

It is another Sunday in His presence although we don't have to be in our churches to experience the Lord’s goodness. But clearly, we are present today before God but tomorrow is what we are not sure of, except by His grace.

But let me ask if your position with your old relationship have been erased into the path of unrighteousness? Do you still maintain your sanctification from the sins of guilt? 

Are you a new creation? Do you believe in Him? Are you comfortable with just attending Churches and all their program as ordinary Christian or your desire is to be divinely elevated whilst on the planet earth? 

To get to the position of guilt in the legal theory, causation is examined. This connects conducts with results. 

Naturally, we must then believe that when we suffer unbelief, there is always disobedience attached to our actions. Therefore, having a spirit of doubt plays an important role in the pedestal knowledge of our Maker.

However, God can still choose to carry us within His unsearchable riches only if we retrace our steps and allow His Senses which is everlasting to mould us in all our endeavours’. 

Here is an open invitation for you to enjoy His mercies. If you accept even in your state of unbelief (Isaiah 40:29), it will invoke the spirit of God to descend and you will begin to feel His presence (Isaiah 40:30-31). Without that, something will always be elusive- and that is the Spirit of God which assists in ALL prayers. 

Lord, we beseech You to empty us of ourselves and fill us with Yourself. Give us a new name by deleting all unrighteousness from our frame in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen


Just checking into His presence

Saturday, 16 December 2023

16th December 2023

Checking into Gods Presence...  

Without any doubt, it is another time for celebration because a new dawn is here named today.

Within our joy in the presence of Today, we want to look back on yesterday and see if we have done anything with anger that the repercussions are known today or have simply been postponed till tomorrow.

What have you said in anger that is hunting you as you enjoy His presence today? What have you done when your adrenalin is so pumped up that is now gripping and hurting you? What temporary victory have you gained in those moments, ruled in a state of anger?

Cain Killed Abel in one of such moment. Genesis 4:5 His punishment was to become a vagabond. It is such feat we now occupy if constantly we allow our temper to jade us. Consequently, we become culprits of our making. Can you imagine?

In your moment of rage therefore, what home have you built and destroyed? What relationship have you left in a state of disrepair? What about your church? Have you turned to a match made from a tree but now burns or ready to burn a tree that brings comfort?

If only our desire is to serve God, we will not institute litigation on His behalf. We must be ready to walk away and give credence for His name to shine. What fight are you fighting for God? 

We choose to carry Him in our hands and heads when He is the one that bore us. When we fell in the Garden of Eden, He quickly made plans for our restitution through the name of Christ.

How many times are we going to fall and how many times do we need to be reinstated?

Please remember always that the best battle is won when indeed you think you have actually lost.

I pray for the spirit of the Lord to keep the spirit of anger away from us and guide us with the emblem of His love in Jesus mighty Name. Amen

I pray we will all have a good festive season and the year 2024 will usher in comfort, growth and divine breakthrough in Jesus Name. Amen


Just checking into His presence…

Thursday, 14 December 2023

15th December 2023

Checking into Gods Presence...  

It occurred to me whilst writing to warn that what draws us to Christ is not so much about how well we can write and how much we can preach. It is also unconnected to the prowess we share in the gift of prophecy or the ability to draw people to the Kingdom of God through the distinction we attained in our field of study. 

All these beliefs will not add anything to our Spiritual Stamina but how reliant we are upon His Words will always give our vision Spiritual Strength.

Apostle Paul in the Book of Colossians enumerated how we can lead a Christ-like life. The theology explains the fight against evil and how to also remain in the field of practically loving Jesus Christ.

It is true that evil time will come, while we bear these pain, do we bore them for Christ. Philippians 1:13-"As a result, it has become clear throughout the whole palace guard and to everyone else that I am in chains for Christ." 

Or do we join the complaining camps as against Philippians 2:14-"Do everything without complaining and arguing".

For us to continue to benefit from His Goodness we must rejoice in in our suffering. "Colossians 1:24- Now I rejoice in what I am suffering for you and I fill up in my flesh what is still lacking in regard to Christ's afflictions, for the sake of his body, which is the church.

Christ is ready to raise us up from the dust. His ambition is to give power to the faint and they will soar like eagles. Come unto Him, He is waiting. Unless you make the approach first, you will always be victims of circumstances.

Guide our souls and declare them for Your use, lift our hands and make them useful for Thee. Amen


Just checking into His presence…

Tuesday, 12 December 2023

13th December 2023

Checking into Gods Presence... 

The question that pricked my mind as I began to write is what can He not do? So I learnt from the Youths of this world yesterday. They were really at it! Through the night they were busy, rightly digging deep and dividing the Words of God to reprove, remind, revive, realign and also encourage us to be faithful in our dealings with God and men.

One of them claimed, “when you make the Lord the Centre of your Universe, God too will make your business His Business". Another flipped "Our story is so unique that no one had experimented upon it" And another quipped and  also made to believe that if we get attached to the doctrines of righteousness, it will have enormous impact in the quality of our lives.

Beloved, rightly speaking the onus is upon us and not on our Lord the Maker and creator of everything. He has the power to deliver and we must have the power to prove His case against Satan. Working in an unrighteous manner can only stop the flow of His constant Grace upon Us. 

There is a big difference between darkness and Light and absolutely no in between which can only exacerbate our plight.

Therefore and this morning, choose rightly, as we all have the power to choose. No matter what: the camp you belong to determines what your rewards will be. Revelation 22:11 says "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he who is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still".

And lastly, Revelation 22:12 says "And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.

On this mercy day, l pray to God to remove all satanic influences in our lives and allow His perpetual light to shine supreme in our lives. Amen

Do have a wonderful midweek celebration as we look forward to the new year.


Just checking into His presence...

Monday, 11 December 2023

12th December 2023

Checking into Gods Presence...  

Today, I am inspired to remind us to be mindful of the fact that as we rejoice in for being part of today's process and in His formidable presence, we may not actually be in the Lord’s presence due to our mind set.  

Please note, when this happens we may not experience His true presence except by His unsearchable Gracious Grace. Therefore, as we go about today, may the joy of the Lord embrace us and lead us into greater heights in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen


Just checking into His presence...

Sunday, 10 December 2023

11th December 2023

Checking into Gods Presence...  

Today has now become a test that can lead us to our testimonies. But before we set our hopes high on our expectations from God, I need to ask if you have delivered yourself unto Him.

Today has suddenly become a test for you because yesterday is of no consequence anymore. If you heard the Words yesterday, then you now have the Grace to listen and live within the confines of His precepts.

It is within such confines, that each test will become your testimony, which means we can enjoy the newness of the Lord's mercies daily, albeit without any struggle, because He is the Lord. Lamentation 3:20-23

Happy new week everyone. Amen


Just checking into His presence…

10th December 2023

Checking into Gods Presence... 

The constant challenge we face as Christians is to allow our situations to consume our sense of reasoning. Thereby subjecting our faith to emotions and feelings. Forgetting that when God decides to give us the privilege to live, we should not do so nonchalantly, and minding the fact that we are alive under His provision of Grace. 

This behaviour welcomes all sorts of ill-mannered approach to the Lord's precepts. Living without preparing for the Kingdom, and often destroying each other at all cost.

On the other hand, when we suffer grief, we always withdraw the name of God from the equation. Death is the ultimate and unto Him we must return. While you are on earth, work and walk with Him so that when you pass on, He can then choose to work and walk with you. 

And surprisingly, it is another Sunday to celebrate the newness of the glory of God. And l pray we all have a glorious day ahead in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen


Just checking into His presence...

Saturday, 9 December 2023

9th December 2023

Checking into Gods Presence...  

How do we live within the Lord's Provision? Do we grow in the Knowledge of the Provisions of God with contempt or contentment? 

Let me assure you that the simple drive/nudge we have in our basic instinct in the direction of contempt or contentment can be attributed to the challenges we suffer within His Provisions.

Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden treated the Provisions of God with contempt, they fell from their provisions of grace and today we still suffer the consequences. 

In like manner, Cain was subdued; he became so jealous about his brother's provision to the extent that he loathed him with passion. Within his provision, he allowed his passion to jade him until he became a killer.

On the other hand, do you have the habit of tampering with the Provisions of God? This is not new. Sarah did in Genesis 16:2 by introducing Hagar unto Abraham so that through her she can now have a child. It became a real family affair that we often quote in the 21st century, but we forget in most cases that many follow the same ploy in different area directly or indirectly. 

How do you feel, when a black man/woman suddenly wants to change her skin to be white in complexion? When we are contemptuous toward His Provisions, we often look at His Works with disdain. 

It shows dis-contentment on a very large scale which drives away the Spirit of Praise in us. When this happens, Satan flourish in our hearts and the evil spirit rides on different heights in our minds.

A preacher quipped “If you use any of God's Provisions carelessly, it will later hunt/hurt you in life. God had given you His Provisions. Be content with them and give Him praise.

I pray to God to lead and direct our hearts towards the needs to reap from His provision in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen


Just checking into His Presence...

Thursday, 7 December 2023

8th December 2023

Checking into Gods Presence... 

Undoubtedly, we always have reasons to support our actions and it does not matter where such actions is leading. I am depressed where it involves men and women of God playing the "Mind of God Syndrome" 

We find ourselves speaking authoritatively about God and without any reservation. Some hides under the Spirit of God to confuse and pronounce hybrid statements, leading to impasse in many disagreements. And the Book of Job 36:28 says "Behold, God is great, and we know him not, neither can the number of his years be searched out".

What we need to consider are the statements. Are they statements of peace or those that are prone to challenges? We must note, for we to experience the peace of God we must first embrace His peace and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will begin to guard our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus name. (Philippians 4:7)

Therefore beloved of Christ, do we embrace peace? Do we accept peace offerings when they are made? Are we fond of throwing the opportunities to make peace overboard using the "Mind of God"? If the repercussions are peaceful, God is in it, if not, we need to reconsider our ways and seek peace until it is in our court.

Stop playing the Mind of God Syndrome irrespective of your position. We will know when our actions will suffer from illicit gains. That is enough credence to show Satan is at work. I will encourage you to "Avoid evil and do good! Seek peace and pursue it!" (Psalm 34:14) 

I pray we will all have a glorious experience as we celebrate another weekend in His presence in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen


Just checking into His Presence…

Wednesday, 6 December 2023

7th December 2023

Checking into Gods Presence... 

Today's message is very simple and it concerns the use of our tongues. It is a weakness that has become so violent in recent times and it carries dangers that are very specific in nature. 

More than half of the World's problem would have been solved if only we can tame our tongues and the Epistle of James 3 deals so much about the subject. In Proverbs 18:21 also, the tongue is described as having the power of life and death.

There is a great divide between what we stand for as Christians and what we utter from our mouths. We are fond of forgetting who we are when we unleash untamed utterances from our mouth without minding the consequences. 

Many have been driven to the point of death; some have been alienated, while some have simply taking their own lives. We may not know the effects unless we are at the receiving end of such vulgar and dehumanizing statements.

I am humbled at how convenient we subdue ourselves with this weakness in the house of God. Many who came for salvation had been stigmatized. The only Epistle they know and read from could be just us (2 Corinthians 3: 2-3) and with that, they may be lost forever to the world. 

Not only that, the way we write about ourselves these days is very alarming, more on the social media using the name of Christ. Some also claimed to be Christ and a prophet that was ordained by God. Only God knows who is fooling who and what they would have done if there are no social media. 

They have never witnessed anything positive, except to snoop and write castigating comments about events and people alike without reasons. And If Christ is the key, Christ should be in it and that means there must be peace in it. 

For any of our actions, including utterances and write ups, Christ must be in it. It should be an Epistle that portrays the peace of God in us and also draw people unto Christ. 

As we look forward to ushering a brand new year, l pray to God to give us hearts that sees the goodness of God in all we do as opposed to condemnation.

Do have a fulfilling day in the presence of God today and always. Amen


Just checking into His Presence…

Tuesday, 5 December 2023

6th December 2023

Checking into Gods Presence... 

Today is all about individual differences. It is a topic we fail to understand even though wide ranging Universities devote their time in its studies. If we can have the study in the School of Education, I am sure it is in other field of studies too directly or indirectly, we have it embedded in different studies.

In the secular world, It has now become an important subject that employers have found a way to introduce in the employment laws to promote and stimulate motivation for their employees. 

To the employers, maximum output is only achievable where the employee works at his/her best. In other words, there must be linkage between all strata of the work force and each of them must work according to rules that will not undermine the effectiveness of other organs of the work force.

Apostle Paul was also clear about this method in his First Epistle to the Corinthians Chapter 12 where he took time to explain diversities in Spiritual Gifts. As we have individual differences in gifts of the Spirit so also we have them in other areas of live. 

The problem associated with diversities of gifts is how to harness them together and make them work for one glory either for God which is in a church or at Homes. Usually, this is not a problem at work places because the laws are very strict.

Homes have been turned into a burning furnace, whilst churches have been turned into a boxing arena. The head sees him/her as very special to the led and because of social awareness, insurrection sets in. 

That is the order of the day in today's homes and churches too. Food for thought! If we give room for individual differences, our homes and churches will become a better place because no two individual are the same. Even when they were born as twins, they will soon develop to have different qualities, all to the glory of God. 

Do have a mid week that is filled with the accomplishments of God in Jesus Mighty Name.Amen


Just checking into His Presence...

Monday, 4 December 2023

5th December 2023

Checking into Gods Presence...  

The Word of the Lord today is all about celebrating in our weaknesses. And without doubt, we all know what these are. If unsure, they are anything that is against the Fruits of the Spirit and Galatia 5:22-23 gives a summary of them.-

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law". Beloved, what weakness are we celebrating? What Spiritual revelation are you gloating over? 

Of all the sermons you have denounced, do you remember they spoke vehemently against those weaknesses of yours? Can you attest to the negative that your present situation is as a result of your inability to be able to turn the hands of the clock backwards?

David acknowledged his sins, he was penitent and pleads his case with God and Psalm 25:11 clearly treats his cause. “For the sake of your name, O Lord, forgive my iniquity, though it is great. The result was he was forgiven and also earned a title of "a man after God's heart" (1 Samuel 13:14).

To also show that salvation is separate and distinct from all works, let us cast our mind to the story of the Penitent Thief who received salvation in the full glare of death in Luke 23:40-43. This is to show God has the power to forgive all sins (Mark 2:10) irrespective.

Instead of celebrating in our weaknesses and glorifying in the Lord's distaste, let us rewind, redress and unwind from those weaknesses. Let us be remorseful and go back to the Lord like a Prodigal Son in Luke 15:11-32). 

He will forgive us and make us an heir of His kingdom, only if you will accept His gift of salvation. He is just the same Saviour the Penitent Thief had, the same God David had and the same merciful Lord of the Prodigal Son had. Will you not cry to Him for mercy today?

I pray for the wisdom of the Lord to lead and sustain us in the path of righteousness. May His mercy enrich our lives and fulfills our suplication in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen


Just checking into His Presence…

4th December 2023

Checking into Gods Presence...  

God being God, we have another opportunity to witness another week in our lives, for this I welcome and also congratulate each and every one, through His Gracious Grace.

Today, it is all about the progress we have achieved working and walking in His Presence since we all claimed to be Christians, let alone Born Again. I am aware that the Bible itself is a progressive revelation of One Man who is Jesus Christ through the illumination of the minds of men of God. 

The study of it shows the Breathe of God into their writings and we see the stories of Jesus Christ unfold from Genesis unto Revelation through the Hands of God.

So this day, I want to ask if you know Him. Have you met Him? Are you working for Him? Are you walking with Him? And are you waiting for Him? The attestation of both Simeon and Anna on the birth of our Lord Jesus did not just happen. It had a degree of timing which led to the fulfilment of the covenant of God upon them. 

So also the journey of Abraham with God! There was progression in the journey until the covenant of God became fulfilled upon Him. If we are claiming blessing from God such as that of Abraham, we must make progress in our knowledge of God and it must be steady in growth. 

Our position within this growth must not in any way retrogress. Let us remember what happened to Saul and why the Lord rejected him as King in 1 Samuel 15. It does not matter when and where you started knowing God. What is important is you don’t look back afterwards. 

Today is an opportunity to realign your steps with His. He has lots of rewards for your trouble. Start making progress in your knowledge of Him today and your peace is assured. He did to Simeon, Anna and Abraham to mention a few and yours is next, Amen

Do have a week full of the Lord’s mercy and breakthrough. Amen


Just checking into His Presence…

3rd December 2023

Checking into Gods Presence...  

It is the very first Sunday within the twelfth month of this withering year and I give the Lord the glory for answering my prayers. I also welcome His faithfulness in my life with a heart full of praise.

As we share in the testimonies of God today, I congratulate each and every one for the fulfilment of the Lord’s promise upon us, which is the assurance given that “we shall not die but live and declare the works of the Lord” Psalm 118:17

I therefore pray that He will continue to give us the power to live to see another day for His Name Sake. As we go about today, He will be our shield and allow His mercies to lead us for greater testimonies in the run up to a brand new year in Jesus Mighty name. Amen


Just checking into His Presence…

2nd December 2023

Checking into Gods Presence... 

It is the power of God that snatched us from the gates of death to be able to see this wonderful day. Give Him the Praise; acknowledge that as much the day is beautiful, some people are not privileged to be in it. That you are alive with all the night trials, still glorify His name. 

Know that weeping may endure for the night, joy cometh in the morning (Psalm 30:5). This is the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, a time sure to come like a thief in the night and nobody knows.

That is why there will always be a tomorrow to give us Hope and shows/instil the Presence of the Lord in our lives. So walk with Him with patience and know that when tomorrow comes, God will be in it with all His promises. 

Do have a weekend that is filled with the testimonies of our Lord in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen


Just checking into His Presence...