Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Tuesday 26 May 2015

The true union in Christ

Testimony Time:-Good morning to all members in the Body of Christ and welcome to a new week. I can categorically say that men are very incapable of satisfying the righteousness of God. Through the union with Christ, men can enforce purity that can bring about God's holiness when it comes to eternal justice. All that men has as Christians therefore have been received as free gift from God, albeit through Jesus Christ. ( 2 Corinthians 5:21) If the basis of our acceptance with God is Jesus Christ, know you therefore that the act of grace through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ removes the condemnation placed on all sinners and put the guilt squarely upon God Himself. Christ therefore becomes the foundation of everything God does for sinners. Through Christ's death, men are acquitted of all unrighteousness as they all become finished products in Christ Jesus. (Romans 4: 22-25) Are you in with Jesus? Is your position classified as in and out? Remember today that for you to get anything meaningful from God, you must first be declared righteous through the "Act of Grace" in Christ Jesus. If you become unfit for this purpose by any means, then you're not in Christ. May we receive joy and be uplifted in Spirit by God so that Christ act of grace will receive justification in righteousness. Amen Just checking in into His Presence...

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