Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Thursday 14 May 2015

God's identity

Testimony Time:-Good morning to you all and welcome to another safe keeping of the Lord as we are all preserved to see another day. It is a great privilege to be identified by God for this purpose. If God can set you aside and identified in you the need to be kept alive, He does so so that you can continue to serve Him faithfully. And if this had not been the case, to give opportunities by that Singular Act for such people to come back to Him. Today, if you bear no identification that links you with God there is a problem. Let me reassure you that your situation is very precarious if you are also a camouflage of what the Lord truly represent. Without mincing words, that forms the basis of our Christian worship these days. What are you known with in the Presence of God? What significant change are you planning to make that will make your preservation by God to be worthless? I beg you to make the change today for your sake and be on the Lord's Side. Those who rebel against the precepts of God very often blame themselves in the end. Do you then wants to wait till the end before you return back to God? Then, it will be too late because the judgement of God must take its course. God we beseech you to renounce all camouflage of walking with You, instead please give us the ability to be identified very truly with your purpose in Jesus name. Amen Just checking in into His Presence...

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