Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Thursday 7 May 2015

Running's with Grace?

Testimony Time:-Good morning friends and welcome to another Testimony Time. Jeremiah 29:11 confirms that God had already deposited His Grace in you. But to activate His Grace in you, you have to do your running's within His Grace, simply by walking according to His Commandments. Let us remember the story of the woman with the issue of blood in Luke 8:43-48 who had suffered for twelve years with her sickness. Even with her health issue, she was still found among the faithful, walking within the Grace that God had deposited in her. As a result, she became healed of her condition when the Grace in her met with the Grace of God. It then means, when you don't have any running with Grace, it takes the Special Grace of God to remedify the situation. And that may be too late before the omission on your part is discovered. This would be quite unlike Jonah who out of nonchalance decided to abandon the Grace of God in him and refused to embark on a mission by God to go and preach in Nineveh. Instead Jonah began to make his way to Tarshish (Jonah 1) where God did not send him. It took the intervention of the Special Grace of God for the situation to be rectified. And this brought him in line to where he was destined to be, in the presence of the Lord. The point is you may not also carry the same anointing like Jonah and that is where the danger is. Why don't you always seek and do your runs with the Grace in you? Remember, the woman with the issue of blood did not allow her circumstances to deprive her of working within His Grace for twelve solid years. Eventually, Grace met with Grace and her story changed for life as she became a constant reference point, also in prayers even till this day. Today, make a decision and begin to do all your runs within the confine of His Grace and that is irrespective of your situation. And very surely, there must be transformation because the Grace deposited in you must meet with His Grace and that is the truth of the matter. May the deposit of His Grace in us link us with His Special Grace in Jesus name. Amen Just checking in into His Presence…

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