Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Monday 18 May 2015

Enriching your thoughts

Testimony Time:-Good morning Friends in the Palace of the Alpha and Omega. I am very privileged to welcome you to another life in His Presence. Many think about life in terms of riches or wealth, beauty, position, prophesies, leadership, age, affluence and influence. These also include the ability to speak and write effectively and successes achieved at all fronts. But let me give you another insight to the above attributes. It does not matter what prowess you think you possess, you will be surprised how dwarfed they can be when set against the attributes of others. You may be rich, but when compared to other people's wealth, you can still be very poor. You may also be poor and when you are set against all other poor people, you can suddenly become a rich person. On the other hand and in the area of beauty, you can see yourself as very beautiful and at the same time you can carry the banner of ugliness to many suitors. And in life that is very common also, we can boost of the grace to live when we are still alive. Even then, you will still discover many often struggle in health, thinking it is better to just die than to face the ignominy of being imprisoned in health. Through perception, we run amok the gift of life bestowed on us by Grace, forgetting no one has it all. Where your wisdom stops, you will soon discover you can be outshone in many quarters. You are alive today, there is no guarantee that tomorrow will come to many. While you still live, we all have the power to think. In your thoughts today you can make a big change by giving unto God all credit in every situation. Remember, life without Christ leads to crisis. As we lead our life today, let us be able to see your Face in all our attributes. Amen Just checking in into His Presence...

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