Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Monday 18 May 2015

Opening another bank in HIS Presence.

Testimony Time:-Good morning friends, it is another Testimony in the Presence of the Lord. The Lord has chosen to open another Bank for each and everyone, whereby we can make our deposits. Each day in His Presence represents some kind of deposit where our attributes on each day earns interest. Upon such interests, we can make withdrawals when we leave this world for heaven, many leading to everlasting joy and others to perdition. Let it be known therefore that what you sow in each day bears fruit that goes into your bank account in heaven. Today, I want you to think on what sort of deposits you want to apply to your account in heaven from this earth. Would it be of Godliness or of unrighteousness? As You have opened another account for us today Father, we beseech You O Lord to prune all paths that will lead us to unrighteousness before You. Amen Just checking in into His Presence...

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