Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Limited Limits

Testimony Time:-Good morning Children of Grace and welcome to another day in the Presence of the Lord. Today, we may rejoice about the conquest of the day before but can we safely say we made enough impression in the Service to God? That we all made it to another day therefore does not mean we have earned the right to continue to live in His Presence. God gives room for us to change hoping that we can all become what He created us to be. He would stop at nothing to achieve this purpose and living to see today is also one of His Ploy. Let me quickly assure you that although His mercies are limitless they are set against limited limits of our time in this world. And the sad thing is many of us only think about life and not life after death. Start today by giving your time unto Him who gave it to you originally. It will make a lot of difference upon your soul in your time in this world and also where you spend eternity in the one beyond. May the Lord remould our desire for His Sake and grant us the enthusiasm to seek Him always. Amen Just checking in into His Presence...

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