Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Monday 4 May 2015

The Characters of God

Testimony Time:-Good morning Children of God and welcome to a new day in May through the Strong Will of God. One of the Characters of God has a lot to do with His Will. The Earth came into existence out of God's Will to transform the desolate nature of the Earth until the Lord considered it beautiful. In like manner, to continue to enjoy His due presence and the benefits attached to to His Grace, we must have the will to follow Him irrespective of our condition. That will can only generate the beauty of God in us, if we do not faint in the process. What is your story today? Is it born out of the Will to serve and diligently obey Him or that which is filled with pretense? The good thing is, they both have their rewards. One can lead to transformation, which is according to the story of creation. And the other can chose to remain untouched by the riches of His in Glory. May the joy of God transform our will so that we can be touched by His perpetual Grace in Jesus name. Amen Just checking in into His presence...

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