Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Saturday 9 May 2015

Are you blameless before God?

Testimony Time:-Good morning Children of God and welcome to a new glory in the Lord. For you to enjoy the newness of this Glory, you must have the desire to work and be on the Lord's Side so that He too can be on your side. Psalm 119:1 says "blessed are those whose ways are blameless, who walks according to the law of the Lord". Little wonder that in Genesis 17:1-16, God still chose to appear to Abram even when he was ninety nine years old to reaffirm His wishes upon him, so that He can fulfill His Covenant upon Him. Does that mean Abram had not been walking with God before? No! only this time, the emphasis of God was for him to "be blameless" before Him. Do you not carry the logo of a saint around, destroying all the good works of God in the process? And no matter how righteous you may consider yourself to be, are you blameless before Him? Have you not allowed the issues with self righteousness to dwarf your Christian Virtues? And very carelessly, you may not know the drunken effect the popularity of your services within the Christian Fold may have had on you. Know you therefore that for you to receive any blessings from God, the Lord must consider you blameless. There is no one in this world who can either give or renounce that status in you. It is not a show off matter and has nothing to do with how high people think you are spiritually or indeed how closely connected you are to people in the corridors of power. May we continue to walk on the Lord's Side so that His Covenant upon us can be fulfilled in Jesus name. Amen Just checking in into His Presence...

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