Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Saturday 23 May 2015

God has a plan, so is Satan.

Testimony Time:-Good morning Children of God and welcome to another defining moment in His Presence. Let me congratulate you all to have made it through the night and into the Lord's everlasting plan. This is because the Lord resides in every moment. (Habakkuk 2:3) However, and before we get carried away by our achievements so far, either in wealth, position, gift of prophecies, the ability to speak/write very fluently or just by scaling through the night. You must also know that we are all part of the devil's plan as much as the Lord's. The only difference is the former is ready to steal, kill and destroy(John 10:10-SKD) Lamentation 3:25-26 describes "the LORD as good unto them that wait for him, to the soul [that] seeketh him. [It is] good that [a man] should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the LORD. Very clearly, we have now seen that we have the right to choose on whose plan we want to maintain. The irony of it all is that they both don't come with silver linings because to stay in God's Camp requires strength, faith, righteousness, love and other fruits of the Spirit. And once a pass is attained in all these attributes, obviously one would have obliterated all Satanic influences which may have reared or tries to raise their ugly heads in any version, Today, I encourage you to choose God's plan and then have Satan in bondage free of charge. On the other hand, you are free to choose Satan's plan and begin to chase your shadows for the rest of your life. Lord we know that through Your Perfect Love we have been kept till today, we beseech You to cause our behaviors to continue to keep us in Your plan in Jesus name. Amen Just checking in into His Presence…

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