Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...
Tuesday, 26 May 2015
Just celebrate in His Holiness
Testimony Time:-Good morning to you all and welcome to another creation of God.
I congratulate you today to have been part of the Lord's new creation. You may have easily forgotten that the Lord uses every moment to renew His creation, save for those whose time had been called up (Lamentation 3:23)
Let us therefore celebrate in His Holiness and rejoice in the newness of everything that the Lord has kept anew. But be very mindful of transferred ownership because all achievement comes under His Supremacy.
Though we may walk in the valleys of shadows of death, I encourage you to fear no evil because the Lord's Presence is everywhere. (Psalm 23:4) What can bring fear is when we fail to fully walk in the presence of the Lord. The purpose of creation is for us to have peace (Jeremiah 29:11) and the Lord used a Singular Act of allowing His only Begotten Son to die so that we can all have a stake in this claim.
Walking and working with the Lord can never be a part time business. In the process, trials will come and will not last forever if and when we are still kept alive and belong to God fully. Be very weary of temptations though, they can only act to severe the relationship between us and the Very Good Intentions of God in our lives.
Lord, on this new creation of Yours, let the strength of Your newness upon us transform our lives. Let our bodies begin to emit fragrance that can be linked to Your Grace and therefore begin to brake all barriers that brings limitations upon us in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
The true union in Christ
Testimony Time:-Good morning to all members in the Body of Christ and welcome to a new week.
I can categorically say that men are very incapable of satisfying the righteousness of God. Through the union with Christ, men can enforce purity that can bring about God's holiness when it comes to eternal justice. All that men has as Christians therefore have been received as free gift from God, albeit through Jesus Christ. ( 2 Corinthians 5:21)
If the basis of our acceptance with God is Jesus Christ, know you therefore that the act of grace through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ removes the condemnation placed on all sinners and put the guilt squarely upon God Himself.
Christ therefore becomes the foundation of everything God does for sinners. Through Christ's death, men are acquitted of all unrighteousness as they all become finished products in Christ Jesus. (Romans 4: 22-25)
Are you in with Jesus? Is your position classified as in and out? Remember today that for you to get anything meaningful from God, you must first be declared righteous through the "Act of Grace" in Christ Jesus. If you become unfit for this purpose by any means, then you're not in Christ.
May we receive joy and be uplifted in Spirit by God so that Christ act of grace will receive justification in righteousness. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Truly raised by confession in Christ?
Testimony Time:-Good morning Children of God and welcome to another Lord's Day. It is a great welcome but how many of this Sunday we have left remains a mystery to everyone except God.
If only the Lord can solve this mystery why would His Children fail to follow His Statutes? Therefore, If indeed you have all been raised with Christ through confession, let us begin to seek those things which are above, where Christ seats. (Colossians 3:1) and put to death those things that draws us away from God (Colossians 3:5).
In so doing, we will begin to live our lives with the understanding of the mysteries of God according to His Riches.
May this Sunday brings the desire to seek and honour God into us in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Saturday, 23 May 2015
How powerful is the Unseen God?
Testimony Time:-Good morning to you all and welcome to another display of the love of God.
God is love and He goes to any length to truthfully display His love, if only men could believe in the power of His love. To love God however, we have to truthfully believe in His unseen presence. By the same token, because we worship an unseen God, we very often find ourselves drifting away from His presence unchecked and very nonchalantly too.
The thought of worshiping an unseen God have therefore reduced the potency of the bond between us. It's effect is known in the reward of peace gained from this world which can also be transferred to the kind of gain we receive in the eternal Kingdom.
Quite frankly, when we put all efforts in loving things of this world, we will discover they are temporary in nature. And very soon, they will become faded only to bring despair, grief and loneliness. These are things that we can see!
Whereas, we all know If you we choose to love God, our thoughts are linked with the heavenly hosts, bringing about peace, redemption, joy and in everything, the deliverance we so much crave for.
God is not a man that He would lie and His Covenant He will not break. (Psalms 89:34) why put your trust in things that are not as sure as the sun would shine?
God of today and of tomorrow, Your everlasting Grace is from everlasting to everlasting. Please give us the Grace to share in your reign from this world to your eternal Kingdom in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
God has a plan, so is Satan.
Testimony Time:-Good morning Children of God and welcome to another defining moment in His Presence.
Let me congratulate you all to have made it through the night and into the Lord's everlasting plan. This is because the Lord resides in every moment. (Habakkuk 2:3)
However, and before we get carried away by our achievements so far, either in wealth, position, gift of prophecies, the ability to speak/write very fluently or just by scaling through the night. You must also know that we are all part of the devil's plan as much as the Lord's. The only difference is the former is ready to steal, kill and destroy(John 10:10-SKD)
Lamentation 3:25-26 describes "the LORD as good unto them that wait for him, to the soul [that] seeketh him. [It is] good that [a man] should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the LORD.
Very clearly, we have now seen that we have the right to choose on whose plan we want to maintain. The irony of it all is that they both don't come with silver linings because to stay in God's Camp requires strength, faith, righteousness, love and other fruits of the Spirit. And once a pass is attained in all these attributes, obviously one would have obliterated all Satanic influences which may have reared or tries to raise their ugly heads in any version,
Today, I encourage you to choose God's plan and then have Satan in bondage free of charge. On the other hand, you are free to choose Satan's plan and begin to chase your shadows for the rest of your life.
Lord we know that through Your Perfect Love we have been kept till today, we beseech You to cause our behaviors to continue to keep us in Your plan in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence…
Thursday, 21 May 2015
God experience and pain
Testimony Time:-Good morning Children of Grace and welcome to another opportunity to serve and to honour God.
It is so true that no matter how gracious the Lord can choose to be, many still don't believe we owe our live unto Him, as a result they tend to take the relationship with Him so carelessly, irrespective of their situation.
Please know that whatever method we apply in loving God, they always have genuine repercussions on the kind of reward we receive from Him in the moments of trials and successes.
In this scenario, let us consider the story of Job. In Job 2:1-13, God chose to conspire with Satan, together they formed an alliance to destroy the life of a holy and successful man. They both agreed to reduce him to destitution and despair in what can be called a challenge over the level of his righteousness between God and Satan. We must know that all this happened without warning to Job and he began to live a life that suffered great discomfort.
Like Job, many may have bemoaned their existence, feeling depressed, confused and hurt with God even when their success stories and holiness is by no means compared to that of Job.
Job may have found himself in an unpleasant situations, he did not dither in faith and in the end, God repaid Job for His uprightness and his latter days became more meaningful than the former.
Job chapter 38-41, through the experience of Job proves there is no way any Christian can escape the sharp contrast between suffering, pain and evil as against the existence of the Most Powerful God who is all in all. Giving our lives to Him at every point therefore holds the key to our perfect redemption.
What is your state of mind this morning? How close are you in righteousness to the Lord's precepts? How steadfast can you be in time of trials and tribulations? The answers holds the key to our freedom from eternal damnation planned by Satan for all Children of God.
May the trials and tribulations of this world be rendered useless so that the Glory of God in us can manifest in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Be blameless, like Abraham.
Testimony Time:-A very good day to you all and welcome to another moment of testimony.
Today's message may be coming to you a bit late but there can be no lateness in achieving the Greatness and Goodness of the Lord, inasmuch that we truly are walking according to His Statutes.
Deuteronomy 28:1-14 spells out the benefit attached to walking with God. Abraham did until old age, at 99 God chose to remind him of the need to be blameless as He works before Him so that He can fulfill His Covenant upon him.
Do you think you are righteous? Are you too old to seek the Lord?. Please note, it is never too late to come back to God if your faith had been dithering. Like Abraham, you will then see the Covenant of God come to fulfillment upon you in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Tuesday, 19 May 2015
Limited Limits
Testimony Time:-Good morning Children of Grace and welcome to another day in the Presence of the Lord.
Today, we may rejoice about the conquest of the day before but can we safely say we made enough impression in the Service to God? That we all made it to another day therefore does not mean we have earned the right to continue to live in His Presence.
God gives room for us to change hoping that we can all become what He created us to be. He would stop at nothing to achieve this purpose and living to see today is also one of His Ploy.
Let me quickly assure you that although His mercies are limitless they are set against limited limits of our time in this world. And the sad thing is many of us only think about life and not life after death.
Start today by giving your time unto Him who gave it to you originally. It will make a lot of difference upon your soul in your time in this world and also where you spend eternity in the one beyond.
May the Lord remould our desire for His Sake and grant us the enthusiasm to seek Him always. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Monday, 18 May 2015
Enriching your thoughts
Testimony Time:-Good morning Friends in the Palace of the Alpha and Omega. I am very privileged to welcome you to another life in His Presence.
Many think about life in terms of riches or wealth, beauty, position, prophesies, leadership, age, affluence and influence. These also include the ability to speak and write effectively and successes achieved at all fronts.
But let me give you another insight to the above attributes. It does not matter what prowess you think you possess, you will be surprised how dwarfed they can be when set against the attributes of others.
You may be rich, but when compared to other people's wealth, you can still be very poor. You may also be poor and when you are set against all other poor people, you can suddenly become a rich person.
On the other hand and in the area of beauty, you can see yourself as very beautiful and at the same time you can carry the banner of ugliness to many suitors.
And in life that is very common also, we can boost of the grace to live when we are still alive. Even then, you will still discover many often struggle in health, thinking it is better to just die than to face the ignominy of being imprisoned in health.
Through perception, we run amok the gift of life bestowed on us by Grace, forgetting no one has it all. Where your wisdom stops, you will soon discover you can be outshone in many quarters. You are alive today, there is no guarantee that tomorrow will come to many.
While you still live, we all have the power to think. In your thoughts today you can make a big change by giving unto God all credit in every situation. Remember, life without Christ leads to crisis.
As we lead our life today, let us be able to see your Face in all our attributes. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
What have you lost?
Testimony Time:-Good morning and welcome to another gain in the Presence of the Lord. We are all blessed to have today as a gift having been given the power over the night.
We have to praise Him to show our appreciation and it does not matter how minute you consider the privilege to be. Know that in every gift of the day, there is always a chance for the Lord to redeem us from any loss or pain we may be going through.
So this morning, what have you lost and what do you think you have gained? Have you put your loss in an unrecoverable position? Has your gain blossomed into "Mr or Mrs Have it All"?
Whether you have recorded today as gain in His Presence or you are experiencing a period of fear, sadness and or anxieties, either way, you must be able to give them back into the Hands of the Creator of Heaven and Earth.
But can you challenge Him with your conducts? Remember Daniel did and was saved. Joseph also did and was taken from pit to prison and then to palace. As Christians, there will always be trials and tribulations for us to go through. It is how you conduct your faith and righteousness before Him that can set you free from any of these atrocities.
Therefore Children of God, nothing in this world is permanent. Nothing!, Not even the life we are living. Therefore, choose to consider all occasion that you are going through before Him as temporary. Whether you are winning or you are gaining, just put your trust in Him and do the right.
May we have the courage to work rightly before the Lord in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Trials and temptation?
Testimony Time:-It is another good morning friends and that is because we have been counted worthy to witness another Sunrise in the Presence of our Lord.
We may not know that given the opportunity to live also means that the Lord is keeping our services active before Him but for a purpose.
Within the confines of His Expectations therefore, the Lord understands that we are faced with trials and temptations very often and we do so in the face of principalities in high and low places. They come, throwing fiery darts against men and women of Faith so that in the end, they can be associated with the kingdom of satan and not of God's (Ephesians 6:12)
Therefore, to be kept very active in His Service means you have to put on the full armour of God so you can take full control of satan's schemes with the breastplate of righteousness (Ephesians 6:10-14). Why? Because satan is constantly set to avenge the impeachment of his ruler ship in heaven upon the Children of God on earth. (Isaiah 14:15; Ezekiel 28: 16-17 & Revelation 12:7)
Today, and in the face of constant warfare against satan, I also want to remind you about your obligations to God. Through His Spirit and very much like Apostle Paul, I have been writing about Christ, all for our upbuilding. This is because I long for everyone to be found always as the Lord wishes (2 Corinthians 12:19-20) but very much against the whims and caprices of Satan and his compatriots.
May the Lord keep us active in His Service and empower us to overcome all satanic influences upon us in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Opening another bank in HIS Presence.
Testimony Time:-Good morning friends, it is another Testimony in the Presence of the Lord.
The Lord has chosen to open another Bank for each and everyone, whereby we can make our deposits.
Each day in His Presence represents some kind of deposit where our attributes on each day earns interest. Upon such interests, we can make withdrawals when we leave this world for heaven, many leading to everlasting joy and others to perdition.
Let it be known therefore that what you sow in each day bears fruit that goes into your bank account in heaven. Today, I want you to think on what sort of deposits you want to apply to your account in heaven from this earth. Would it be of Godliness or of unrighteousness?
As You have opened another account for us today Father, we beseech You O Lord to prune all paths that will lead us to unrighteousness before You. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
The failure on human race.
Testimony Time:-Good morning Children of Grace and welcome to another display of the wonders of God.
Let us think for a moment about how the night rolled into another day, albeit with a very smooth passage. There was no fuss, no earthquake, and no pandemonium, but a great thing happened in the course of the change. A change from stark darkness to the brightness of the day and God is the change.
God is capable of doing a new thing that will be witnessed by all at the same time. The effects are always phenomenal, compared to the little ego we earn when we record and achieve success in any of our fields.
The failure of the human race stems from our inability to recognize the Supremacy of God, where we do, we tend to ignore or simply forget. Rather, we go about empowering our self proclaimed status, at the expense of the Lord's who only knows everything and can do anything.
We have all witnessed another change from the night to another day. God is in it, but are you? If God is not in your life fully, there is danger ahead.
We give You all the Praise, we honour you and adore Your Greatness Father, give us a heart that is willing to live under your Canopy of Love so that we will not be lost even when we enjoy your presence. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Thursday, 14 May 2015
God's identity
Testimony Time:-Good morning to you all and welcome to another safe keeping of the Lord as we are all preserved to see another day. It is a great privilege to be identified by God for this purpose.
If God can set you aside and identified in you the need to be kept alive, He does so so that you can continue to serve Him faithfully. And if this had not been the case, to give opportunities by that Singular Act for such people to come back to Him.
Today, if you bear no identification that links you with God there is a problem. Let me reassure you that your situation is very precarious if you are also a camouflage of what the Lord truly represent. Without mincing words, that forms the basis of our Christian worship these days.
What are you known with in the Presence of God? What significant change are you planning to make that will make your preservation by God to be worthless?
I beg you to make the change today for your sake and be on the Lord's Side. Those who rebel against the precepts of God very often blame themselves in the end. Do you then wants to wait till the end before you return back to God? Then, it will be too late because the judgement of God must take its course.
God we beseech you to renounce all camouflage of walking with You, instead please give us the ability to be identified very truly with your purpose in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Talk of Unknown Grace
Testimony Time:-Good morning Children of Grace and welcome to another display of the wonders of God.
Let us think for a moment about how the night rolled into another day, albeit with a very smooth passage. There was no fuss, no earthquake, and no pandemonium, but a great thing happened in the course of the change. A change from stark darkness to the brightness of the day and God is the change.
God is capable of doing a new thing that will be witnessed by all at the same time. The effects are always phenomenal, compared to the little ego we earn when we record and achieve success in any of our fields.
The failure of the human race stems from our inability to recognize the Supremacy of God, where we do, we tend to ignore or simply forget. Rather, we go about empowering our self proclaimed status, at the expense of the Lord's who only knows everything and can do anything.
We have all witnessed another change from the night to another day. God is in it, but are you? If God is not in your life fully, there is danger ahead.
We give You all the Praise, we honour you and adore Your Greatness Father, give us a heart that is willing to live under your Canopy of Love so that we will not be lost even when we enjoy your presence. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Tuesday, 12 May 2015
Each day brings unbroken Communion with God.
Testimony Time:-Good morning to you all and welcome to another Greatness of the Lord. The truth we must know in the presence of another day is that God uses it to remind us about Who He is and by so doing to recognize His Supremacy. The presence of the new day therefore invites everyone to form a lasting relationship with God so that relationship can then be everlastingly proven, if only we can work and walk with Him.
From the beginning however, God has longed for a working and walking partner. That privilege was bestowed unto Adam and Eve in Genesis 3:8. It is so true that Satan came and destroyed what should have been a long lasting relationship that borders on companionship with the Alpha and Omega.
Today, I want you to know that this perfect trend may have been broken by Satan, God still uses each day like a arm to pull us away from Satan and into His unbroken communion, first as a Friend, a Father and our Lord and Maker.
You may have called on the name of God severally, at vigils, through fasting and in beliefs. But how much have you uncovered in the true delight of walking and working with God? Of all the "pray and run existence" and "worship and go" syndrome, what can we say about you?
Also, with your smoke screen revival catalogs and idiosyncrasies in prophecies, of what use have they been? Remember, Adam did not find any delight in his relationship with God. Enoch on the other proved otherwise and so in Genesis 4:26 and 5:22-24 we can see the result of men in the early days who chose to call on the name of God without running in and running out.
Adam and Eve did, they suffered the consequences and the effects goes on till today. But Enoch had more intense spiritual pursuit than Adam and God took him up in glory. God is again using the same principle to draw you for Himself today within the newness of the day, what will your response be?
God we ask you to blot out the tendency to run in and run out of your Presence. Let our walk with You be more Spiritually intense in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Monday, 11 May 2015
Of what Seed are you?
Testimony Time:-Good morning Children of Grace and welcome to a New Plantation of God. Only today and this new week, the Lord has chosen to plant you as a Seed into His Beautiful Garden. But of what use as a Seed will you be for this purpose, knowing a seed must germinate first to bring out good fruits today? What seed will come out of your mouths, your thoughts and actions?. Are your attributes seasoned enough and fit for all seasons? (Colossians 3:16)
Today, I pray to God to sanctify our actions so that we can be considered righteous before Him in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Sunday, 10 May 2015
The power of choice is an enslavement.
Testimony Time:-Good morning to you all and welcome to another Lord's Day with number plate 10/5/15.
Today's registration is in itself very conspicuous and it is very much like the Unseen Presence of God. The only difference being there is so much Presence of God in the stench of the Day than the actual day.
This is because the day will always outlive itself and very soon too, today will simply be on its back and we shall be left with nothing but with the unadulterated feelings of God's Presence, come rain on shine!
Are you going to be a slave to the day? Will you very much allow the day to control you and then renounce the Presence of God in it?
Remember, you were so much in control of 9/5/15. Today, that same day you relied on proved very elusive. It has suddenly become yesterday and now you have a new day called 10/5/15. In all its characteristics, the only constant THING is the Presence of God.
You can still choose to hang unto your prominence today. I want to assure you that that also will prove very elusive one day. In doing so, please consider Romans 6:16. This is because you will have enslaved your status to whatever has control over your inner most being.
This could be lies, anger, lack of forgiveness, lasciviousness, greed, mockery, fornication and adultery, fighting, blasphemy, evil plot etc etc. Please also note, that the repercussions are greater even when you preach against such things.
"God only moves with those who move with Him" Are you moving with God? Can you feel His Groove? What music are you dancing to? Is it of deceit in His Presence?. You are not here forever but God is! Circumstances come and go but God remains forever.
Therefore, let your choice be God's. If God is in it you will always have peace in the end.
Lord, you have been so kind to give us a new day today. Please give us the courage to turn a new leaf so that we will allow our innermost thoughts to be enslaved by You, all for Your Glory in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Saturday, 9 May 2015
Are you blameless before God?
Testimony Time:-Good morning Children of God and welcome to a new glory in the Lord. For you to enjoy the newness of this Glory, you must have the desire to work and be on the Lord's Side so that He too can be on your side.
Psalm 119:1 says "blessed are those whose ways are blameless, who walks according to the law of the Lord". Little wonder that in Genesis 17:1-16, God still chose to appear to Abram even when he was ninety nine years old to reaffirm His wishes upon him, so that He can fulfill His Covenant upon Him.
Does that mean Abram had not been walking with God before? No! only this time, the emphasis of God was for him to "be blameless" before Him. Do you not carry the logo of a saint around, destroying all the good works of God in the process?
And no matter how righteous you may consider yourself to be, are you blameless before Him? Have you not allowed the issues with self righteousness to dwarf your Christian Virtues? And very carelessly, you may not know the drunken effect the popularity of your services within the Christian Fold may have had on you.
Know you therefore that for you to receive any blessings from God, the Lord must consider you blameless. There is no one in this world who can either give or renounce that status in you. It is not a show off matter and has nothing to do with how high people think you are spiritually or indeed how closely connected you are to people in the corridors of power.
May we continue to walk on the Lord's Side so that His Covenant upon us can be fulfilled in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Friday, 8 May 2015
It's a case of dual expectations.
Testimony Time:-Good morning as I welcome you all to the first of the day's Grace. As always, the Lord's Mission is very clear, and that was to separate the night from the day.
However, this issue of darkness and brightness resonates in every encounter in His Presence. The overall attributes of each and everyone now determines who we are in His Presence.
Staying on the same course with God by following His commandment, puts us in a powerful position as Children of Light to share from His Glory. (1 Peter 1:4)
God will continue to show His generosity to us with high level of consistency owing to the above. And the rise and fall of the night in favour of the day should encourage us to be generous in our approach to His Demands.
2 Corinthians 8: 1-5 was also quite generous to describe God's given Grace to the Macedonian churches and what sort of relationship was expected from them to God and to those in The Service of God.
By the same token, I also plead with you all, to continue to exceed and excel in the expectations of the generosity of God for each day we are kept alive by walking rightly in His Presence.
Lord, you have been generous again to have given us the Grace to meet with today, please give us the privilege to return the favour as we claim to serve in your presence. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Thursday, 7 May 2015
Running's with Grace?
Testimony Time:-Good morning friends and welcome to another Testimony Time.
Jeremiah 29:11 confirms that God had already deposited His Grace in you. But to activate His Grace in you, you have to do your running's within His Grace, simply by walking according to His Commandments.
Let us remember the story of the woman with the issue of blood in Luke 8:43-48 who had suffered for twelve years with her sickness. Even with her health issue, she was still found among the faithful, walking within the Grace that God had deposited in her. As a result, she became healed of her condition when the Grace in her met with the Grace of God.
It then means, when you don't have any running with Grace, it takes the Special Grace of God to remedify the situation. And that may be too late before the omission on your part is discovered.
This would be quite unlike Jonah who out of nonchalance decided to abandon the Grace of God in him and refused to embark on a mission by God to go and preach in Nineveh. Instead Jonah began to make his way to Tarshish (Jonah 1) where God did not send him. It took the intervention of the Special Grace of God for the situation to be rectified. And this brought him in line to where he was destined to be, in the presence of the Lord.
The point is you may not also carry the same anointing like Jonah and that is where the danger is. Why don't you always seek and do your runs with the Grace in you? Remember, the woman with the issue of blood did not allow her circumstances to deprive her of working within His Grace for twelve solid years. Eventually, Grace met with Grace and her story changed for life as she became a constant reference point, also in prayers even till this day.
Today, make a decision and begin to do all your runs within the confine of His Grace and that is irrespective of your situation. And very surely, there must be transformation because the Grace deposited in you must meet with His Grace and that is the truth of the matter.
May the deposit of His Grace in us link us with His Special Grace in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence…
Wednesday, 6 May 2015
The Love of God Is All Around Us
God is Love, His love shows beneath us, around us and above us.
To serve as an Everlasting reminder, Sant Rajinder Singh explores...
The Love of God Is All Around Us
Whenever we swim or sail in the ocean, the beautiful blue waters of the sea surround us on all sides. Just as while swimming we are surrounded by the ocean, every second of our lives we are also surrounded by the ocean of divine love. The ocean of God’s love surrounds us. It is not only around us, but within. It is to the right of us, the left of us, above us, below us, and in us. If we could only have the eyes to see, we would find we are perpetually swimming in the ocean of God’s love.
In this connection, there is a story of a man who had been meditating many years yet was frustrated because he had not seen God. He had given up many worldly pleasures to meditate and spent long hours meditating in silence. He was devoted and did whatever he could to find God.
Finally, he prayed to God, “O Lord, I have been meditating and praying to You all my life, yet You have not appeared to me.” God did not respond to his prayer. The man became more and more impatient and soon started saying, “There is no God. I have wasted my time.”
The man strolled along the side of the river, upset at his lack of experience with the Lord. Finally, the man took a pebble and threw it into the river, saying, “O river, I have wasted my life. I have prayed and meditated to find God, but there is no God.”
Suddenly, a fish raised its head out of the water, saying, “Why have you thrown a stone at me?” The man apologized and said, “I did not mean to hit you. I only threw it into the river in frustration.” The fish asked, “Why are you frustrated?” The man said, “I have spent my life searching for God, but have not found God. My efforts have been wasted.”
The fish said, “You think you have problems? Look at me. I have been swimming in this river my whole life looking for water. I am dying of thirst and cannot find any water to drink.”
The man said, “What is wrong with you? You must be a fool instead of a fish. The whole river is filled with water. There is not a spot in the river where there is no water. You are surrounded by water. Just open your fish eyes to see it.”
The fish said, “Well, it is the same with you. You are surrounded by God. God is all around you and within you. You are swimming in the Lord and claim there is no God. Who is the bigger fool? You or I?”
This amusing story points out a great truth. We are all looking for God, but do not realize God is surrounding us and within us. There is no place where God is not. We only have to open our eyes to see it. God is everywhere. Just as the ocean is all around us, so is God
Grace, a product we can't do without...
Testimony Time:-Good morning to all Sons and Daughters of His Grace, I am privileged to welcome you to another Splendour of His Mercy, which is forever new everyday. (Lamentation 3:19-22)
And after the night before the last, as I sat in a train thinking, what sort of message I should write about today, the Spirit of God ministered Grace, which should be looked at as one of the very many products we use daily but can't do without. But very often, Children of faith neglects and or abused the gifts received at Christ expense.
Have you therefore been put in a position of authority through His Grace, either as Pastors, Shepherds and Prophets or Prophetesses alike? Do you meet the Products of Grace with Grace? How much of His Grace in you are you willing to dispense measure for measure?
Have you suddenly started to feel bloated and boastful about your position? It does not matter whether you hold a position or not. The miracles of God is evidenced even in the popularity you gained through His Grace upon the work you have been deployed. Have you not turned the Grace to residue of His Might?
The Grace of God is another Product we can't do without. And like all other daily products, Grace also has its prescription which must be seen, apply and kept according to the Lord's instruction. It also carries severe repercussions when it's organs are violated in the eternal Kingdom. We must be fearful of this principle because we shall spend more time in eternity than what we currently 'enjoying' now.
Today, let Grace plays its part in your life. Be ready to use the Gift wisely. Run away from sins, come before Him all the time with penitence and watch His Grace manifest even further upon you. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Tuesday, 5 May 2015
Identifying with God
Testimony Time:-Good morning to all Sons and Daughters of God in the House. Let me also congratulate you because we can all be identified with the Purpose of the Lord.
Through this purpose, the Lord chose to keep us alive till today, and now we are privileged to carry His identification.
What can you be identified with in His presence, apart from the customary uniforms that signify you as a child of God? What can people say about you that is different to every religious visits/practices in His Holy of Holies?
Those titles and accolades, including that of holy pilgrimages to Jerusalem, just where have they landed us? What identification have they given you in the presence of the Lord?
It is not so much about titles or indeed positions. And it does not matter how many visits we pay to the Holy Land, what is important is the identification you carry in your relationship with God. (Matthew 7:16).
It is true that our inner self will always be portrayed with the characteristics of our external works. This will form an epistle upon which a sound identification can now be based in the Christian world.
We want to be identified with You Father. We beseech You to give us the power to bear good fruits that will bring us nearer to you always. (Galatians 5:19-22) Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Monday, 4 May 2015
The Characters of God
Testimony Time:-Good morning Children of God and welcome to a new day in May through the Strong Will of God.
One of the Characters of God has a lot to do with His Will. The Earth came into existence out of God's Will to transform the desolate nature of the Earth until the Lord considered it beautiful.
In like manner, to continue to enjoy His due presence and the benefits attached to to His Grace, we must have the will to follow Him irrespective of our condition. That will can only generate the beauty of God in us, if we do not faint in the process.
What is your story today? Is it born out of the Will to serve and diligently obey Him or that which is filled with pretense?
The good thing is, they both have their rewards. One can lead to transformation, which is according to the story of creation. And the other can chose to remain untouched by the riches of His in Glory.
May the joy of God transform our will so that we can be touched by His perpetual Grace in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His presence...
Just another shift in His Grace
Testimony Time:-Good morning Children of Grace and welcome to another shift in the momentum of the Grace God.
We have been moved from Grace to Grace and from our yesterday to today, all within the mysteries of His Splendour.
The Lord moves speedily to accomplish His Works and we can see some of His Handiwork established upon the seas, setting boundaries between them and the land.
Therefore, we must see the shift in the days pattern, notably from what we now refer to as yesterday in the fullness of His Grace. This must however serve as a link that enlists our fear in who directs the affairs of them all, because we don't know what tomorrow will bring.
There is always going to be a shift in the day's momentum, however this should not represent a shift in the pattern on how we relate to The Alpha and Omega, the Creator of Heaven and Earth.
Do you shift the pattern of your love to Christ? Do you have your own blueprint of what the Love of God entails? Do you act as defenders of the Apostles Creed?
Let us remember that there was never a shift in the Love of Christ, He died so that we can all be saved. Our modus operandi therefore should defend the death of Christ on the cross.
We therefore beseech you God to make us defenders of your Word so that we can have a place with you in heaven. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
God's application
Testimony Time:-Good morning children of God and welcome to a New Application of His Mercies.
You must know that in all Applications, the Lord establishes His Love in their creation and dispensation. Without much ado, we can see from the way He set the firmament upon the Earth without Pillars and Psalm 103 describes His Faithfulness in depth.
If the Lord can therefore apply the duty of care that cut across any frontiers upon all His Creation, He does so so that we can fear Him and obey His Commandments. (Ecclesiastes 12:13, Psalm 111:10).
What will your application be within His Grace today? Will it be one that pick and choose as in when to love God and also show love to even your neighbours?
Or one that renders the Lord's application of Grace incompetent because we devalue His Authority and as a result fail to keep any of His Commandments?
We must know therefore that the Lord has nothing to loose. He holds the reins to all Kingdom. The earth we so much cherish He uses as His footstool. And this same earth and the things therein we very jealously hold on to, not the things of heaven!
So Children of Grace, make the Lord count in your applications today. Seek the things of Heaven (Colossians 3:2) and remember 1 Peter 1:12 and it's admonition about all the good news you have received through the Power of the Holy Spirit.
May the Lord give us the power to honour our pledges before Him. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Friday, 1 May 2015
Measuring time with time?
Testimony Time:-Good morning Children of Grace and welcome to another day in the month of May. It is very true that the day is new and so is the new month. What we must realize is that the changes in years, months, weeks and days only occur numerically.
Although we are much more interested in counting Time as growing old, but the only significant change in time are even more effective upon the people who themselves count "time on time"
Let us therefore spend more time to examine the change that occur upon us daily. Just imagine what your body looks like now. Do you notice any changes? From grey hair and the inability to do certain things by yourself, bordering on age.
Do you see your children now getting married, having their own children and celebrating birthdays on ages that you have passed? Life is a revolving cycle and it is what you plant in that cycle that keeps your time for ever in His Presence.
Therefore Children of Grace, let us rejoice in the new month of May, but we must take time to consider the effects within the change of time, already in the new day the Lord has very graciously allocated to us.
We represent the change in time. We just must grow in the knowledge and understanding of God based on our relationship with Him. Though the year may change, the months may continue to count and time itself may change, what must not change is our relationship with Him. And that is the key!
May the joy we find in God's Work today alone keep us within His Guidelines so we do not fail on His Liberties. Amen
Wishing you all a happy and successful new month.
Just checking in into His presence...
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