Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Thursday 30 November 2023

30th November 2023

Checking into Gods Presence... 

Congratulations! Yes, we made it! Not by our standard, or by our might. Or quite simply, it is not because of our look, riches, prayers, positions or influence, but because the Lord approved our desire to see this day. 

There is no immunity against death, even Christ died for us whilst we are still sinners (Roman 5:8) truly, and He is our friend. What a privilege to be associated with Him.

And on this day, as we go through with prayers unto our Lord God, choose to be His true friend. Not only by association with the Name, or through prayers but also in our conducts and in thoughts. Eschew anger, hatred and lust. 

Rather, embrace peace, love and seek righteousness. You will be offering a seat to God in your heart without knowing, thereby achieving the most elusive peace that many desire. Get real! And get connected to Christ. 

We can be in His presence without being connected to the throne of Grace. That offers no reward in live and in heaven. Let today be your turning point. The Lord is waiting for your call. It can only be to our advantage.

May the Lord lead us into His presence today. He will rekindle the Spirit to serve Him righteously iand establish His peace upon us now and always. Do have a fulfilling day in His Presence. Amen


Just checking into His Presence...

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