Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Monday 27 November 2023

28 November 2023

Checking into Gods Presence... 

It is all about an open invitation to worship the Lord this morning. (Jeremiah 29:13). He gave so much to prove His Love by giving us a platform to seek redemption for our sins through His Son Jesus Christ who died on the cross. 

All that is required is to believe in Him as stated in John 3:15 "That whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life". Why then do we allow the world problems which are of Satan to bamboozle us? 

Where is the little faith that is required of you? Have you deposited them in brothels, pubs or with men and women of this world?  Is your alliance with any secret societies? Here is an open invitation to think about your present position with Christ, even when we enjoy faith as small as a mustard seed. 

Our presence before Him must be so aligned with His Purpose. Today therefore, begin to fear and keep His commandments. The rewards are GREAT! The expression of the gains cannot be clearer enough. 

Colossians 3:24" says it all "Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ. Know you therefore, that as much as there are gains to enjoy, eternal judgement also awaits all. 

I am imploring you today to choose life by adhering to His precepts because His Laws are pure and simple (Psalm 19:7) and all hidden works will be brought to judgement, whether good or bad.(Ecclesiastes 12:14)

I pray for you all to have a great day filled the Lord's Purpose and success. Amen


Just checking into His Presence…

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