Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Tuesday 28 November 2023

29th November 2023

Checking into Gods Presence... 

It is another time to witness the glorious grace of our Lord and saviour. And now we are at liberty to enjoy the fullness of His grace in His Presence. The only snag is that it must be according to His Will and Purposes. 

In examining His Will and Purposes, a breakfast menu is brought before me to share within the knowledge of Christ and I am amazed about what stands out among the choices we have.

Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:30-32 gave a clearer explanation to the issue of Time and many finds the discussion filled with ambiguities. According to some noble thoughts, it is the world that grows old, not the people therein. 

Let it be known therefore that “we die daily” and must treat the time we share in this world with the knowledge of Christ even though many are being led astray by man's opinion of what the end time would be like. This confusion is working well for Satan as it also did some 2000 years ago when Christ was crucified for our sins whilst we are still sinners.

Christians know about the prophecies that say Satan will impersonate Christ and act as if he has come to bring peace to the world. (Isaiah 14:12-14, Matthew 24:23-27 and Revelation 16:14). Therefore the deceptions of the last days will surpass any that have come before, giving power to the antichrist which is sublimed in nature but potent enough to make the REAL CHRIST an antichrist. 

The “man of sin” “sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.”  (2 Thessalonian 2:3-4)  In order to put himself in the place of God, who is righteous and holy, the man of sin must claim to be righteous and holy while in reality opposed to righteousness”.

Within the time that you share in the presence of God daily, make a wise decision and allow the Christ to be in it. May Christ continue to lead us in His Presence. I pray we will all have a midweek that is filled with God’s plan, purpose and achievement in Jesus Mighty name. Amen


Just checking into His Presence…


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