Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Monday 15 February 2016

February 15

Testimony Time:-What have you gained so far as a child of God? What can you say you have learnt apart from your religious visits to different churches? You have prayed, fasted, worshiped and sang songs of praises in different version but how has that affected your image of being self-centered? Abel became the offering of the first born after bringing his offering to God on the basis of his own self effort which came from the fruit of the ground. "And Abel brought an offering--fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock. The LORD looked with favor on Abel and his offering,"-Genesis 4:4 At first, Abel presented his image well before God; that also meant his offering became acceptable. However, man's image continued to fall deeper and deeper into depravity, mainly for those who saw life from the perspective of Cane. The selfishness of man did not stop until God destroyed His first creation; only to start with Noah's family again.- Genesis 6-8 From the fall of Abel, issues relating to images has always been a challenge and ever since it has developed into a broad issue governing every strata of the society. This initial problem Cane had now reverberates round homes, churches and work places. We beseech you Father to empower us to live according to Your image in Jesus name. Amen Just Checking into His Presence...

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