Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Tuesday 12 August 2014

When He speaks, can you hear Him?

Testimony Time:-Good morning friends and let us be thankful for the evidence of His Everlasting Arms showing through the presence of today.

Christ may have gone some 2000 years ago but He is still very much around us. For you to feel His Presence you must be able to hear Him however in audible His messages may choose to be. (John 10:27) 

What constantly separates us from the Love of Christ is our inability to hear when He speaks and see when He directs.

However, we must know that the way Christ led His life should be a lesson to those who choose to be His and call themselves Christians. His story was written with us in mind showing God's Love unto humanity in order to provide indirectly God's Guide to life so that "the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work" 2 Timothy 3:16

When God speaks, do you listen? Are His Words audible enough? Remember, you can only receive His directives when you are spiritually linked with Him. There are added benefits to enjoy!

Lord give us a receptive heart, give us also the ability to recognize your voice when you speak and let us be confident with your leadership. Amen

Just checking in into His Presence.

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