Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Smarter than God?

Testimony Time:- Good day to you all and welcome to another surprise from God. It is great to feel and also enjoy His fullness no matter what our position may be.

While we are still alive, I am always thrilled to see Christians displaying Godly attributes in their lives. Equally, I am bemused when I see many also showing they are smarter in every sense than Jehovah our creator.

Quite simply, this disparity represent a great challenge in our world today. Consequently, many fail constantly to acknowledge the existence of our Lord even though the earth declares His Glory (Psalm 8 & 19)

However, In all of our pride, God is the only Person that knows our end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10) and for our own sake, we must recognize His Reign over all things.

Lord we pray for your Spirit of obedience as we follow You so that we can enjoy your Supremacy at all times in Jesus name. Amen

Just checking in into His Presence...

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