Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Tuesday 26 August 2014

As it was in Noah's time...

Testimony Time:-Good morning again and welcome to His Righteousness where there is invitation to everyone to celebrate in His Presence.

In the course of our celebration however, we must remain steadfast in all we do before Him. There must be some element of fear in our attributes as we deal with images derived from the Person called God.

As a matter of fact, it becomes difficult to have any relationship with God if we fail to acknowledge the existence of God in our relationship with each other.
Such were the case before the Lord cleansed out His first creation, using Noah as an escape route. Genesis 6:11-13

Noah provided the means for change in our attitude. But Since then we still experiencing problems in relation to change in our attitude where it involves worshiping God righteously.

Lord, infuse a heart that is ready to change to your ways into us in Jesus name. Amen

Just checking in into His Presence.

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