Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Friday 29 August 2014

We must only trace our gaze to HIM!

Testimony Time:- Good morning Children of God and I congratulate you as a new day came alive in our presence.

I want us to trace our gaze back to yesterday, what can you remember about your existence in His Presence? Are you in a position today to celebrate any regrets over any attributes that was not of Christ?

How many promises have you broken? Why lie your ways into another man's position? Why do you envy one another to the point you will do anything to pull her/him down?

After so many years of Christian life, you still not sure of who the Lord is. You chose to represent/present Him with so many idols in your heart. Systematically submerging His Glory and His Glory He will never share.

Remember, what you are adamant about today which is preventing you from accepting Him truly, will it matter in the next 20 years?

Drop the fight, drop the scheming, drop all idols chosen in favour of God because in 20 years, they may not matter but the trails you left behind.

Lord we are yours even before we were conceived, we plead that you will choose to modify our thoughts where they are likely to stray from Thee in Jesus name. Amen

Just checking in into His Presence...

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