Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Friday 15 August 2014

Is it just title without the nobility?

Testimony Time:- Good morning Children of God. I give Him all praises and adoration for giving us the Grace to live through the perils of the night.

Now that we have all met at the other side translated into today, the question that propped up is what are we doing with all those ranks we adorn ourselves with?

Being a Reverend, an Evangelist, a Pastor, Deacon or Deaconess, a Bishop or in fact a Prophet or a Prophetess- does that make us any better?

Do we not swim in the self glorification of our titles or otherwise and forget what those titles stand for? 1 Timothy 3:1 states "Those who aspires to be an Elder desires a noble task" but how noble are you to His Words to bring people unto Christ?

Remember as Priests, your person may be the only epistle a would be child of God would ever read.( 2 Corinthians 3:2) So take heed because of the ransom Christ already placed on His Church (Acts 20:28)

Unto your Hands we commit ourselves oh Lord so that You will strengthen us when we go through hardships and persecutions. Amen

Just checking in into His Presence...

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