Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Saturday 30 August 2014

Risks with malice

Testimony Time:- Good afternoon members of Christ Family and welcome to another day.

If the Lord is very reluctant to visit the iniquities of the past upon the present, why are Children of God so good in keeping malice.

Clearly, there are two camps in operation within such individual which can either be good or bad.

Do you keep malice at home? What about your church? As a couple, do you revisit and also invite the iniquities of yesterday upon today in your relationship?

Keeping malice is very much like paying homage to idols and such will not meet the Presence of the Lord which we all require to live a meaningful life.

Father Almighty, we invite you to bless every heart and make them pure because that is the key to your Kingdom. Amen

Just checking in into your Presence...

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