Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Sunday 17 August 2014

Shutting the antennae of our minds.

Testimony Time:- Good morning once again as we all share in the Supremacy of the Lord. We have enough of His Presence in our lives to remind us about His instructions unto us.

If we can be jealous of each other and we are all made in the image of God, we must believe that God too personified jealousy through the incarnate Christ. His life on earth exercised epitome of sanctified jealousy by condemning those who dishonor
the instructions of God through their contemptible religious acts( Matthew 21:12-13) which we are very fond of, irrespective!

Let me remind us that the House that Christ built for Himself on earth is your heart. If you shut your mind towards His instructions, the antennae to receive His Grace through the Holy Spirit will be dislodged, indirectly you will be drowned in the "Land of Egypt" where we were once offered freedom to escape to a Land flowing with Milk and Honey"(Exodus 33:3) where there is enough opportunities to flourish through His Grace, in His Presence...

Father, I cancel every iniquity bequeathed upon my household that is disturbing your Grace by leading me back to the "Land of Egypt" so that I will not experience your Providence in Jesus name. Amen

Just checking in into His Presence...

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