Testimony Time:- Good afternoon members of Christ Family and welcome to another day.
If the Lord is very reluctant to visit the iniquities of the past upon the present, why are Children of God so good in keeping malice.
Clearly, there are two camps in operation within such individual which can either be good or bad.
Do you keep malice at home? What about your church? As a couple, do you revisit and also invite the iniquities of yesterday upon today in your relationship?
Keeping malice is very much like paying homage to idols and such will not meet the Presence of the Lord which we all require to live a meaningful life.
Father Almighty, we invite you to bless every heart and make them pure because that is the key to your Kingdom. Amen
Just checking in into your Presence...
Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...
Saturday, 30 August 2014
Friday, 29 August 2014
We must only trace our gaze to HIM!
I want us to trace our gaze back to yesterday, what can you remember about your existence in His Presence? Are you in a position today to celebrate any regrets over any attributes that was not of Christ?
How many promises have you broken? Why lie your ways into another man's position? Why do you envy one another to the point you will do anything to pull her/him down?
After so many years of Christian life, you still not sure of who the Lord is. You chose to represent/present Him with so many idols in your heart. Systematically submerging His Glory and His Glory He will never share.
Remember, what you are adamant about today which is preventing you from accepting Him truly, will it matter in the next 20 years?
Drop the fight, drop the scheming, drop all idols chosen in favour of God because in 20 years, they may not matter but the trails you left behind.
Lord we are yours even before we were conceived, we plead that you will choose to modify our thoughts where they are likely to stray from Thee in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Thursday, 28 August 2014
God is Spirit...
Without much ado, there are many assertions to the fact that God is a Spirit who knows everything and can achieve everything. Those who must worship Him must worship Him in truth and Holiness for the manifestation of His Grace.
As Christians, if we constantly portrays the assertion to be true in our mode of worship, we can then translate every of our actions in His Presence into spirits/Spirits.
Love is a Spirit and so is giving, kindness, worship and related charity norms. Even then we still have spirit of anger, hatred, backbiting, lies, stealing, adultery, fornication murder and above all manipulative spirit.
What spirit/Spirit resides in you? The answer is so simple and can make a difference between eternal glory or eternal condemnation.
Lord teach us to honour Your Spirit which will in turn overwhelm the evil spirits in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Humble yourselves in His Presence...
Testimony Time:-Good morning friends and welcome to another day which He decided to share with us so we can rejoice in His Presence.
If it is all about Him alone, He will mark iniquities and that would have deprived us the testimonies of today.
Today, let us eschew the "Me" syndrome that often destroy the peace in our hearts. If the Lord can humble Himself by sending His Only Begotten Son into the world so that we can all be saved, then who are you and what's my pride?
The problems of the world can be best solved if the "me syndrome" is excavated from our hearts.
Lord, teach us to think about others first in all we do and the repercussions of our actions in Jesus name. Amen.
Just checking in into His Presence...
Tuesday, 26 August 2014
As it was in Noah's time...
In the course of our celebration however, we must remain steadfast in all we do before Him. There must be some element of fear in our attributes as we deal with images derived from the Person called God.
As a matter of fact, it becomes difficult to have any relationship with God if we fail to acknowledge the existence of God in our relationship with each other.
Such were the case before the Lord cleansed out His first creation, using Noah as an escape route. Genesis 6:11-13
Noah provided the means for change in our attitude. But Since then we still experiencing problems in relation to change in our attitude where it involves worshiping God righteously.
Lord, infuse a heart that is ready to change to your ways into us in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence.
Which Counsel?
Testimony Time:- Good afternoon to you all members of Christ Family. It is another day to experience His Greatness.
For all the experience we have gained before Him, do we still follow His Counsel or the counsel of what can be deemed Ahithophel's?(2 Samuel 15:31)
You have a choice today to choose rightly and rescind those ill fated decisions you have made before it is too late. Time waits for no one (Matthew 24:43)
May the Spirit of God use our body as His own so we will not fall victim to the foolishness of the world's counsel in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His a Presence...
For all the experience we have gained before Him, do we still follow His Counsel or the counsel of what can be deemed Ahithophel's?(2 Samuel 15:31)
You have a choice today to choose rightly and rescind those ill fated decisions you have made before it is too late. Time waits for no one (Matthew 24:43)
May the Spirit of God use our body as His own so we will not fall victim to the foolishness of the world's counsel in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His a Presence...
The end is nigh
The end time is here. We all embraced it without us knowing, but most assuredly, we are walking towards the end of our journeys in this world.
It is important to know which group of Christians you belong to. A roadside one, a Pharisee or Sadducee of the current world? Let the answer lies with you. However. It can determine your connection to the Seat of Mercy.
Lord we put our trust in You, we want You to rebuild our lives and do not allow us to surfer in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Saturday, 23 August 2014
Forceful? Consider Forceful Peace also.
Testimony Time:-Good morning friends and welcome to a new Grace from God. It is very appealing to share in His Presence today.
I have seen prayer points and most Revivals title relating to Uncommon Favours, Uncommon Grace and blessings that is Uncommon. This is against where we all tend to exhibit uncommon/unrighteous anger. (Genesis 4:5-8, Psalm 37:8. Proverbs 15:18/ 29:22/ 30:33)
With such state, we are bound to lose the plot with our forceful nature. Therefore, when we pray/tag our titles, let us also remember "forceful peace".
Lord give us the knowledge to use forceful peace in dealing with ourselves in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
I have seen prayer points and most Revivals title relating to Uncommon Favours, Uncommon Grace and blessings that is Uncommon. This is against where we all tend to exhibit uncommon/unrighteous anger. (Genesis 4:5-8, Psalm 37:8. Proverbs 15:18/ 29:22/ 30:33)
With such state, we are bound to lose the plot with our forceful nature. Therefore, when we pray/tag our titles, let us also remember "forceful peace".
Lord give us the knowledge to use forceful peace in dealing with ourselves in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Partners in Christ or partners in crisis?
Testimony Time:-Good day to you all Children of God and welcome to another dimension in His Grace.
It is just a simple question today- are we Partners in Christ or partners in crisis? Do good to share in the heritage of Christ.
Lord let your Spirit fill our hearts to separate us from the ills of this world. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
It is just a simple question today- are we Partners in Christ or partners in crisis? Do good to share in the heritage of Christ.
Lord let your Spirit fill our hearts to separate us from the ills of this world. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Thursday, 21 August 2014
God's untainted Love
The sleep we had may have temporarily taken away our worries, what offers more mysteries is when we allowed God to steal our hearts without us loving Him in return. This traits characterized the unsecured conditions in whatever we enjoy that constantly draws us away from His Presence.
Today and without any doubt, we have burning desires that constantly seeks fulfillment, we must be careful that God's Presence in our lives remain untainted in their pursuits.
As a result, we must shun sins to the extreme before it creates tributary tears upon our faces.
Lord we enjoy the smoothness in Your Works, let our passage in this world be smooth through Your dictates without any tears. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Wednesday, 20 August 2014
Smarter than God?
Testimony Time:- Good day to you all and welcome to another surprise from God. It is great to feel and also enjoy His fullness no matter what our position may be.
While we are still alive, I am always thrilled to see Christians displaying Godly attributes in their lives. Equally, I am bemused when I see many also showing they are smarter in every sense than Jehovah our creator.
Quite simply, this disparity represent a great challenge in our world today. Consequently, many fail constantly to acknowledge the existence of our Lord even though the earth declares His Glory (Psalm 8 & 19)
However, In all of our pride, God is the only Person that knows our end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10) and for our own sake, we must recognize His Reign over all things.
Lord we pray for your Spirit of obedience as we follow You so that we can enjoy your Supremacy at all times in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
While we are still alive, I am always thrilled to see Christians displaying Godly attributes in their lives. Equally, I am bemused when I see many also showing they are smarter in every sense than Jehovah our creator.
Quite simply, this disparity represent a great challenge in our world today. Consequently, many fail constantly to acknowledge the existence of our Lord even though the earth declares His Glory (Psalm 8 & 19)
However, In all of our pride, God is the only Person that knows our end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10) and for our own sake, we must recognize His Reign over all things.
Lord we pray for your Spirit of obedience as we follow You so that we can enjoy your Supremacy at all times in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Tuesday, 19 August 2014
Eternal glory or just an epitaph?
This time we see crumbles daily and for every time we remain
in His Presence, we are encouraged to be soldiers of Christ with no holidays or
recess. The world may see you as you
portray yourselves- as a worker in His vine yard, a Priest of high repute, A
Pastor, an Evangelist, Prophet, Prophetess, Shepherd, Deacon and Deaconess. But
are you crumbling inwards for His Sake and not on the outside? Are you an
epitome of vile concoctions of evil under His Watch? Christ you knew and professes
to know, but who do you follow? (Act 19:15)
Lord, give us the strength to build the ineptitude we suffer
in the Spiritual realm so that we will stand on your foundation and be counted
both inwardly and outwardly as one of Your Vessels in Jesus name. Amen
Sunday, 17 August 2014
Shutting the antennae of our minds.
Testimony Time:- Good morning once again as we all share in the Supremacy of the Lord. We have enough of His Presence in our lives to remind us about His instructions unto us.
If we can be jealous of each other and we are all made in the image of God, we must believe that God too personified jealousy through the incarnate Christ. His life on earth exercised epitome of sanctified jealousy by condemning those who dishonor
the instructions of God through their contemptible religious acts( Matthew 21:12-13) which we are very fond of, irrespective!
Let me remind us that the House that Christ built for Himself on earth is your heart. If you shut your mind towards His instructions, the antennae to receive His Grace through the Holy Spirit will be dislodged, indirectly you will be drowned in the "Land of Egypt" where we were once offered freedom to escape to a Land flowing with Milk and Honey"(Exodus 33:3) where there is enough opportunities to flourish through His Grace, in His Presence...
Father, I cancel every iniquity bequeathed upon my household that is disturbing your Grace by leading me back to the "Land of Egypt" so that I will not experience your Providence in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
If we can be jealous of each other and we are all made in the image of God, we must believe that God too personified jealousy through the incarnate Christ. His life on earth exercised epitome of sanctified jealousy by condemning those who dishonor
the instructions of God through their contemptible religious acts( Matthew 21:12-13) which we are very fond of, irrespective!
Let me remind us that the House that Christ built for Himself on earth is your heart. If you shut your mind towards His instructions, the antennae to receive His Grace through the Holy Spirit will be dislodged, indirectly you will be drowned in the "Land of Egypt" where we were once offered freedom to escape to a Land flowing with Milk and Honey"(Exodus 33:3) where there is enough opportunities to flourish through His Grace, in His Presence...
Father, I cancel every iniquity bequeathed upon my household that is disturbing your Grace by leading me back to the "Land of Egypt" so that I will not experience your Providence in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Rising up in His Presence...
Walking and working with God does not exonerate us from the dangers of this world inasmuch Satan is still working against the Children of God, what matters most is how much of His knowledge you are using to fortify yourselves.
As it is so easy to take a dive, stumble and fall on the ground unexpectedly, so also we may dive into sins even though sins nowadays are committed in the presence of the full glare of all our organs.
So today, it is not so much about you fallen from your position of Grace, but it is about you standing, walking and working righteously back into your position of Grace, just like David and the Prodigal Son.
Therefore, the question of how and when you retrieve yourself back to His presence is what the Lord needs because gaining your Salvation is the key and it is very paramount to Him.
Lord as we open our eyes to witness your Supremacy today, give us the power to experience your Salvation in all we do. Amen
Saturday, 16 August 2014
Do you compromise Christ examples in all you do?
It is all about relationship this morning. This is because many believers find it very easy to form relationship with their leaders thereby forgetting who chose them to lead.
If you don't see God beyond your Pastors then there will be issues. You will begin to see things of flesh rather than that of the Spirit. And more faults from humans will be enjoyed but may not be endured. (1 Corinthians 2:14)
Ultimately, divisions will set in and it will be so difficult to experience the Presence of God in such gathering.
Are you quick in picking faults? Do you judge with the "Mind of God" syndrome? If all you do is look for a perfect human being and you see yourself as the most perfect person on earth, I will encourage you to follow the examples of Christ in all you do to maintain peace where we worship and live.
Lord give us the strength to form proper relationship with you as we deal with each other. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Friday, 15 August 2014
Is it just title without the nobility?
Testimony Time:- Good morning Children of God. I give Him all praises and adoration for giving us the Grace to live through the perils of the night.
Now that we have all met at the other side translated into today, the question that propped up is what are we doing with all those ranks we adorn ourselves with?
Being a Reverend, an Evangelist, a Pastor, Deacon or Deaconess, a Bishop or in fact a Prophet or a Prophetess- does that make us any better?
Do we not swim in the self glorification of our titles or otherwise and forget what those titles stand for? 1 Timothy 3:1 states "Those who aspires to be an Elder desires a noble task" but how noble are you to His Words to bring people unto Christ?
Remember as Priests, your person may be the only epistle a would be child of God would ever read.( 2 Corinthians 3:2) So take heed because of the ransom Christ already placed on His Church (Acts 20:28)
Unto your Hands we commit ourselves oh Lord so that You will strengthen us when we go through hardships and persecutions. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Now that we have all met at the other side translated into today, the question that propped up is what are we doing with all those ranks we adorn ourselves with?
Being a Reverend, an Evangelist, a Pastor, Deacon or Deaconess, a Bishop or in fact a Prophet or a Prophetess- does that make us any better?
Do we not swim in the self glorification of our titles or otherwise and forget what those titles stand for? 1 Timothy 3:1 states "Those who aspires to be an Elder desires a noble task" but how noble are you to His Words to bring people unto Christ?
Remember as Priests, your person may be the only epistle a would be child of God would ever read.( 2 Corinthians 3:2) So take heed because of the ransom Christ already placed on His Church (Acts 20:28)
Unto your Hands we commit ourselves oh Lord so that You will strengthen us when we go through hardships and persecutions. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Thursday, 14 August 2014
What is your story so far?
Stop the complaints, there are God's promise in everything He had created, only you must be able to locate those promises. Deuteronomy 28: 1-14 declares those promises with a condition "if you hearken to His Words and diligently seek Him"
Where did He fail you? Are you working righteously in His Presence? Can you challenge God with your righteousness? Can God change His mind on certain things because of you?
He did to Hannah in 1 Samuel 2: 1-10 for applying His truthfulness in her way of life and so with King Hezekiah in 2 Kings 2:20. What is your story?
Today is another opportunity to re write your story, use it wisely.
God in all the wisdom we enjoy in your Presence we are still clay in your Hands, mould us to suit your purpose in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence..
Wednesday, 13 August 2014
Given leave to live or having leave to live? The choice is yours!
Testimony Time:- Good day to you all friends and welcome to the day that the Lord had made.
If you have leave to read this, you are a testimony.
Ode to Hajiyar
Given leave to remain today
On the dawn of another day
Death withdrew her leave
As she passed through our hearts
Living us with broken hearts
The leave to remain
Captured her life shackles
But the discovery tackled her health problems
Hinging upon the sudden leave to remain .
Until her death,
She lived with every hope
Staggering upon her leave to remain
And the agonies of everyday
She must go through with pain.
Waste of paper upon waste of life
The permanent leave crippled the pain.
What no longer matter
Is the sudden leave to remain in Britain.
She is there now
In the bosom of God
Living the pain to rule the ground
And the visa back to sender
I suppose to rule again
In the United Kingdom.
What an unsavory delivery!
As if to create and remind us
about the worst fear.
The only permanent leave is from heaven.
The earthly leave will fly
Away from any catch,
Like a ball rolling with pain but beyond reach
Until it settles inside the net
Just like her resting peacefully with her permanent leave
Which no man can touch,
So we must remember
The leave that matter
Is the Lord's leave.
Lord, within the confine of your leave,grant us leave to remain in your presence in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
If you have leave to read this, you are a testimony.
Ode to Hajiyar
Given leave to remain today
On the dawn of another day
Death withdrew her leave
As she passed through our hearts
Living us with broken hearts
The leave to remain
Captured her life shackles
But the discovery tackled her health problems
Hinging upon the sudden leave to remain .
Until her death,
She lived with every hope
Staggering upon her leave to remain
And the agonies of everyday
She must go through with pain.
Waste of paper upon waste of life
The permanent leave crippled the pain.
What no longer matter
Is the sudden leave to remain in Britain.
She is there now
In the bosom of God
Living the pain to rule the ground
And the visa back to sender
I suppose to rule again
In the United Kingdom.
What an unsavory delivery!
As if to create and remind us
about the worst fear.
The only permanent leave is from heaven.
The earthly leave will fly
Away from any catch,
Like a ball rolling with pain but beyond reach
Until it settles inside the net
Just like her resting peacefully with her permanent leave
Which no man can touch,
So we must remember
The leave that matter
Is the Lord's leave.
Lord, within the confine of your leave,grant us leave to remain in your presence in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Tuesday, 12 August 2014
Activating the entitlement of Grace
Through His Everlasting Grace, the Lord consolidated His Love for us in the Person of Jesus Christ. And without knowing, we carry the entitlement of the Grace of forgiveness that are mainly discharged to those who desire to fear and also serve Him.
We must remember this fear and His love when it comes to revenge because Christ is Love and how much you love Him now depends on your relationship with one another.
And please note, forgiveness is the key because we all carry the Grace of forgiveness.
Father teach us how to be humble to your Words through the relationship we maintain with each other because we learnt that humility will make us go far in health, soul and life. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
When He speaks, can you hear Him?
Testimony Time:-Good morning friends and let us be thankful for the evidence of His Everlasting Arms showing through the presence of today.
Christ may have gone some 2000 years ago but He is still very much around us. For you to feel His Presence you must be able to hear Him however in audible His messages may choose to be. (John 10:27)
What constantly separates us from the Love of Christ is our inability to hear when He speaks and see when He directs.
However, we must know that the way Christ led His life should be a lesson to those who choose to be His and call themselves Christians. His story was written with us in mind showing God's Love unto humanity in order to provide indirectly God's Guide to life so that "the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work" 2 Timothy 3:16
When God speaks, do you listen? Are His Words audible enough? Remember, you can only receive His directives when you are spiritually linked with Him. There are added benefits to enjoy!
Lord give us a receptive heart, give us also the ability to recognize your voice when you speak and let us be confident with your leadership. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence.
Christ may have gone some 2000 years ago but He is still very much around us. For you to feel His Presence you must be able to hear Him however in audible His messages may choose to be. (John 10:27)
What constantly separates us from the Love of Christ is our inability to hear when He speaks and see when He directs.
However, we must know that the way Christ led His life should be a lesson to those who choose to be His and call themselves Christians. His story was written with us in mind showing God's Love unto humanity in order to provide indirectly God's Guide to life so that "the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work" 2 Timothy 3:16
When God speaks, do you listen? Are His Words audible enough? Remember, you can only receive His directives when you are spiritually linked with Him. There are added benefits to enjoy!
Lord give us a receptive heart, give us also the ability to recognize your voice when you speak and let us be confident with your leadership. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence.
Monday, 11 August 2014
Choosing a Seasoned God
Time:-Good day to you all and welcome to another windows of opportunity in the
Presence of our Lord whose reign is Supreme.
As we go through season upon seasons with adaptation to every condition of the weather however unseasoned they may choose to be, I encourage us to carry on in our beliefs however strange some circumstances may present themselves.
Being a Christian is not enough to exonerate you from the schemes of the devil but being rightly so. Because He will send His angels with a great sound of trumpet and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. (Matthew 24:31)
Will you be part of His when the fig tree becomes tender and puts forth leaves showing the summer time is here? Then walk righteously!
We need you oh Lord more than ever now that the perilous time in the world today is higher than ever. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
As we go through season upon seasons with adaptation to every condition of the weather however unseasoned they may choose to be, I encourage us to carry on in our beliefs however strange some circumstances may present themselves.
Being a Christian is not enough to exonerate you from the schemes of the devil but being rightly so. Because He will send His angels with a great sound of trumpet and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. (Matthew 24:31)
Will you be part of His when the fig tree becomes tender and puts forth leaves showing the summer time is here? Then walk righteously!
We need you oh Lord more than ever now that the perilous time in the world today is higher than ever. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Saturday, 9 August 2014
Using the Grace of forgiveness.
Testimony Time:-I welcome you all to another Everlasting Love of God. His Love is so poised, powerful and has extensive reach unto those who honour and obey His commandments.
Through His Everlasting Grace, the Lord consolidated His Love for us in the Person of Jesus Christ. And without knowing, we carry the entitlement of the Grace of forgiveness that are mainly discharged to those who desire to fear and also serve Him.
We must remember this fear and His love when it comes to revenge because Christ is Love and how much you love Him now depends on your relationship with one another.
And please note, forgiveness is the key because we all carry the Grace of forgiveness.
Father teach us how to be humble to your Words through the relationship we maintain with each other because we learnt that humility will make us go far in health, soul and life. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Through His Everlasting Grace, the Lord consolidated His Love for us in the Person of Jesus Christ. And without knowing, we carry the entitlement of the Grace of forgiveness that are mainly discharged to those who desire to fear and also serve Him.
We must remember this fear and His love when it comes to revenge because Christ is Love and how much you love Him now depends on your relationship with one another.
And please note, forgiveness is the key because we all carry the Grace of forgiveness.
Father teach us how to be humble to your Words through the relationship we maintain with each other because we learnt that humility will make us go far in health, soul and life. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Choosing between God's prominence and festered habits.
Testimony Time:- Good morning Children of God and welcome to His new grace.
Now you have the liberty to dive into His unchallenged Presence but with what?
Festered habits with freedom to cover guilt or a heart that is penitent and willing to observe the dictates of the Lord?
Remember, working,walking and being watered with His Spirit determines the capacity of His fullness of joy in your life. The Prodigal Son retraced his steps for his most elusive joy to be reinstated. We all know where are failings are, make the change and it shall be well. Amen
Lord direct our hearts unto things of the Spirit. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Now you have the liberty to dive into His unchallenged Presence but with what?
Festered habits with freedom to cover guilt or a heart that is penitent and willing to observe the dictates of the Lord?
Remember, working,walking and being watered with His Spirit determines the capacity of His fullness of joy in your life. The Prodigal Son retraced his steps for his most elusive joy to be reinstated. We all know where are failings are, make the change and it shall be well. Amen
Lord direct our hearts unto things of the Spirit. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Friday, 8 August 2014
Winners of the night
Testimony Time:- Good morning to all winners of the night race. We glorify His name for allowing us to sail through the unknown perils in our sleep.
Today is another time in His Presence. Use it wisely because what lies within the next minute we do not know. This brings about uncertainties in our own time even to where we know the sun must rise and set.
The only certainty is that the Lord will outlive this time therefore give Him your all today and not tomorrow because that maybe too late.
Lord we give our time to You. Do not allow our time in all of our desire to worship you to be in vain in your Presence. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Today is another time in His Presence. Use it wisely because what lies within the next minute we do not know. This brings about uncertainties in our own time even to where we know the sun must rise and set.
The only certainty is that the Lord will outlive this time therefore give Him your all today and not tomorrow because that maybe too late.
Lord we give our time to You. Do not allow our time in all of our desire to worship you to be in vain in your Presence. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
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